The Russian wanted to transport 40 thousand euros across the Belarusian border. The money has been confiscated and the criminal case has begun


At Customs Clearance Station "Warsaw Bridge", customs officials discovered a large quantity of undeclared currency. Entering the territory of the Russian EAPS of 54, who crossed the border on the corridor "green" as a Ford pbadenger car, said that he was moving 8 thousand euros. In addition to this money, customs officials found among men's personal belongings another 32 thousand euros.

  Photo: Daria Buryakina, TUT.BY
The picture is illustrative. Photo: Darya Buryakina, TUT.BY

– 40 thousand euros displaced with violation of the law, seized before the court decision. Customs was opened a criminal case, reported the Brest customs office.

It should be remembered that when crossing a border, it is necessary to declare amounts of money greater than $ 10,000.

– When you move undeclared cash, provides for criminal liability in the form of a fine, or restrictions on liberty for a period of 2 to 5 years, or imprisonment for the same period, – add customs officers from Brest.

zhenniki at the customs clearance point "Teryuha" – a Russian woman who traveled by train "Kiev-St Petersburg". The woman stated that she does not move prohibited or restricted goods to traffic across the customs border of the EAEC. The customs officers found him $ 15,750

The amount that exceeded $ 10,000 was seized from the Russians. "With regard to this citizen, an administrative procedure was started on Part 2 of Article 14.5 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses", specify at the Gomel Customs

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