The section of the M10 motorway rebuilt on the principles of public-private partnership


The M10 Rechitsa-Kalinkovichi Highway will be rebuilt according to the principles of a public-private partnership. This is provided by Decree No. 461 "On Reconstruction of the Highway", signed by Alexander Lukashenko. This is reported by the presidential press service.

The document defines the conditions for reconstruction and maintenance of the 85-km (109.9 km to 195.15 km) section of the M10 Rechitsa-Kalinkovichi road.

On the basis of international practices, with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, an international competition will be held on the choice of a private partner. The winner of the contest will undertake to rebuild the road in two years and will be responsible for its condition, ie 20 years. After this period, the road will again become the property of the state.

During the implementation of the first public-private partnership project, it is planned to use the best standards and global approaches to improve security and develop the region's transport infrastructure.

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