The Trump appeal has crushed oil prices


According to Trump, the sharp drop in oil prices is the result of his difficult phone conversations with Riyadh. "Prices have reached 82 [долларов] a barrel and had to go up to one hundred dollars. It was like a mbadive increase in taxes. I did not want that, "said the US leader.

As the president said, he was able to agree during the conversation on an increase in oil production, thanks to which prices fell to 52 dollars a barrel.

"We have a very important ally in Saudi Arabia. We have an ally with huge oil reserves that, frankly, can drive up prices, and I want to keep them, "added Trump.

The decline in oil prices continues for several weeks. Experts explain this by the uncertainty surrounding the OPEC agreement on the reduction of production levels, as well as by the US sanctions against Iran and the increase in the oil production in the United States.

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