The Union of Entrepreneurs of the Capital opposes the inclusion of the Moscow Ring Road in the road toll system


Minsk Capital Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (MSSPiR) opposes the inclusion of MKAD in the toll road system. BelaPAN was informed by the union press service that the letter was sent on June 29th to the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Transport and Communications, to the Executive Committee of the City of Minsk

. The project of management of the goods traffic in Minsk is completely new and it will be soon envisaged to ensure the safety of the traffic within the framework of the Executive Committee of the city of Minsk

"We have a problem of the point of view of the direction of Minsk City not only safety but also the management of truck traffic: how not to allow them to cross the central part of the city, burden the traffic, as this can lead, on the one hand , congestion, and another – accidents.Kapsch, which created BelToll, has taken the initiative to ensure that MKAD is paid for the transportation of goods, "said Navoi. He added that the Moscow Ring Road tariff in the proposal provides for a fare, and an entry into the city – another higher.

According to MSSP experts, this proposal contradicts Directive No. 4 "On the development of entrepreneurial initiative and the stimulation of economic activity in Belarus"

"Public Association" Minsk Capital Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers "believes that the introduction of paid trips on the Moscow ring road will be contrary to the economic and social interests of companies and the state,"

According to the union, because of the radial structure of the city for the unloading of the roads of the city, the Moscow ring road is in fact the only artery of transport connecting the industrial and logistic installations of the metropolitan area. "Developing around the city's industrial areas and working inside the Moscow Ring Road companies do not have alternative logistics." The letter stresses that institutions, organizations and companies are using the opportunities of MKAD, including to ensure the continued operation of the city itself, and that the "paid loop" will lead to rising production costs and deteriorating competitiveness, to growth in budget spending in all sectors of the urban economy.

All overpbad construction and reconstruction sites are provided by materials from quarries and a railway junction, located outside the city, and use the opportunities of MKAD to reduce transit through urban streets. "Understanding the important part of materials in construction costs, it is very clear to warn against the negative consequences of rising costs, prices and, consequently, budgetary expenditure ". contributes to the reduction of internal urban transport. "In the case of the introduction of the tariff on the Moscow ring road, all low-tonnage transport will remain on the streets of the city, which will significantly worsen the road and environmental situation, says the trade union municipal and republican budgets, the costs of public and private enterprises, which will lead to the inability of a state to collect a tax on profits, "notes the MSSP.

The NGO also points out that "in recent years, many companies have begun to manufacture objects (production, warehouses, parking lots) in satellite towns and agricultural towns located around Minsk." This process fully corresponds to the interests of the city and contributes to the regular development of the region. However, the absence of free alternative roads and the beginning of toll roads just beyond the Moscow ring road will increase costs and stop this process, "the letter goes on. on the Moscow Ring, but also to restore the free trip within a radius of 30 to 40 kilometers around the city, "says the letter.

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