The United States and the EU will refrain from introducing new reciprocal duties


The United States and the European Union agreed to ease trade disputes during the talks in Washington. They plan to reduce tariffs, which will prevent trade wars.

  Photo: Reuters "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 803 "data-x-src =" " data-x-width = "1200" data-y-height = "481" data-y-src = " reuters / 04/7 / rtx6csrq_juncker_trump.jpg" data -y-width = "720" data-zoom = "1" height = "482" hspace = "0" src = " / n / reuters / 04/7 / rtx6csrq_juncker_trump. jpg "title =" Photo: Reuters "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Photo: Reuters </figcaption></figure>
<p>  US President Donald Trump at Wednesday's talks agreed with the EU delegation on measures that would avert a trade war. That's what Trump himself said after meeting with the head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, reports Reuters. </p>
<p>  According to Trump, they launched a "new phase in relationships". In particular, they agreed to establish zero tariffs for all manufactured goods, with the exception of cars, to reduce the "trade bureaucracy" and to revise tariffs for steel and steel. # 39; aluminum. In addition, the EU and the United States have agreed that in Europe they will build more LNG terminals for US gas. Juncker confirmed that the EU would limit the growth of reciprocal rights on US goods </p>
<h2>  First rights </h2>
<p>  US-European trade disputes began on March 23 when the United States announced the US introduction of import duties on steel and aluminum. %), but has lagged the European Union, as well as a number of other countries, until 1 June. Since June 1, the United States has imposed these restrictions on the EU, Mexico and Canada. Europe responded a month later – on July 1, the Union imposed duties of 25% on a number of food products, whiskey, tobacco, clothing, internal combustion engines, steel and other products of the United States for 2.8 billion euros. Unlike the conflict between the United States and China, which was already referred to as a "trade war" at an official level, history with Europe is still a conflict. "We are witnessing the apogee of a trade conflict that could quickly escalate into a trade war," said EU Budget Commissioner Gunther Oettinger </p>
<p>. "The country's trading partners, which is estimated at $ 11 billion, results from the agency's press release.The volume of aid will be $ 12 billion and will be divided into three programs: payments producers of soybean, sorghum, wheat, cotton, dairy products and hogs, and purchases of food, including fruits, nuts, rice, beans, beef, pork and milk for Food funds: Judging by Trump's agrarian plan, he is preparing for a protracted conflict, writes in an badytical note the experts of ING Bank <strong> Martin van Vliet </strong> and <strong> Benjamin Schroeder </strong> Trump Grants clearly states that he has no intention of withdrawing, said a Rabobank badyst <strong> Michael Avery </strong> .On the contrary, he is preparing to a fierce war until exhaustion, unless it offers him the conditions he wants, added he </p>
<h2>  New Functions </h2>
<p>  The fact that the first wave of homework can be followed by others, Donald Trump early March, three months before the entry into force of the first restrictive measures. It was then that he threatened the EU with rights to cars if the unit reacted to the first tariff package, which arrived on 1 July. June 22 Trump said the rates on cars could be 20%. Their imports from the EU to the United States in 2017 reached $ 48.4 billion, according to the US Department of Commerce. </p>
<p>  The EU plans to respond to this package of restrictions. The Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter, referring to European Commissioner for Trade (19459003) Cecilia Malmström </strong> reported that the EU was preparing import duties on agricultural products, equipment and high-tech products US $ 20 billion </p>
<p>  The new US tariffs will hit Germany the most, sending about 600,000 vehicles to the United States each year, said London specialist Everscore ISI <strong> Arndt Ellinhorst </strong> in June. Volkswagen, Daimler and BMW will lose around 4.5 billion euros in case of introduction of the tariff, as the export of cars abroad will become economically unprofitable. </p>
<p>  Rhetoric Trump further weakens the US auto market in second year of recession after record sales in 2016 Bloomberg the words of the president of the American Association of International Car Dealers <strong> Cody Lask </strong>. "Tariffs on steel and aluminum will drive a steady rise in prices in the auto industry, which, together with rising interest rates, is the right way to the disaster, "he said. In total, 15 million jobs on both sides of the Atlantic depend on US and European trade, and its turnover is $ 1 trillion, Malmström said on July 19. </p>
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