The White House announced Trump's talks with Putin


US President Donald Trump will hold bilateral talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit in Argentina. It was at a briefing, said White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, reported by Reuters.

Photo: Reuters
Photo: Reuters

She added that bilateral meetings are also planned with the Argentine President, the Japanese Prime Minister and the German Chancellor, as well as a working dinner with the President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping. Reuters notes that this will be the first meeting of US and Chinese leaders after the start of the US-China trade war.

Trump's National Security Advisor John Bolton subsequently announced that the US president would meet with the Turkish president, the South Korean president and the Indian prime minister.

The topics of the meeting with Vladimir Putin will be issues of security, arms control, the situation in the Middle East and Ukraine, added Bolton.

"It will be the continuation of their [Трампа и Путина] discussions in Helsinki, "said the adviser to the President of the United States. At the same time, Bolton refused to answer the journalists' question if Trump intended to comment on the incident that occurred in the Kerch Strait during a meeting with Putin.

According to adviser, Washington adheres to the statement by the US Permanent Representative to the UN Nikki Haley. On Monday at a meeting of the UN Security Council, Haley expressed America's concern over the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, calling the situation "a dangerous escalation and violation of international law" .

Earlier, the press officer of the Russian president Dmitry Peskov announced that the plan of Vladimir Putin's bilateral meetings on the G20 in Argentina as a whole is ready. And the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov urged not to wait for the sensations of this meeting. The summit will be held from November 29 to December 1 in Buenos Aires.

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