The world is already dead A story about how teenagers went crazy


It seems like it was a long time ago. Now, no one will pay attention to the narrow pants with panties and oblique fringe, from which a sad eye looks at the surrounding world, pain and decay. Although 15 years ago, they would have looked at such a monster in a totally different way and, most likely, they said something very insulting to him. No tolerance: laugh, condemn! We recall the colorful sub-cultures of zero in the Millennium Project and let fall tears of nostalgia.

The 90s have pbaded in suspense. A motley teenager walked in an unfamiliar area, looking around for no food in his hunched back. The metallists went against the rappers, Gopniki drove the punks, everyone was having fun. And suddenly, all this variety of subcultural heroes began to fend for themselves – in a decade, with canonical images, a crazy transformation occurred: the half-breeds were preparing to throw black jeans, jackets and stiffened coats The rappers These are unknown characters, and any aggression is part of a ten-year confrontation between skinheads and antifa (but that's another story we'll tell). As usual, the teens from scratch proved to be too weird, and it was too difficult to understand them. Send persistent rumors that young people today are not the same. But they are constantly going, and they should not trust.

Mowgli, who grew up in the city of the jungle

At the beginning of zero hip-hop music is experiencing another peak of its popularity. The rap is finally aware, although parents are wary of the monotonous raiding of speakers, under which the son recovers the remains of dust from the ground and tries to twist the breakdance

Eminem records his best albums – the young people back cbadettes one by one "Please, get up" and read the biography of Marshall Mathers in magazines like Cool At the same time, the Russian businessman Alexander Tolmatsky raises his son Cyril, and the producer makes the firm decision to make a child of Deczla.He signs all the color of the Russian hip-hop scene for this project, and the boy has the first album.

So you remember: the entries carefully written by the pseudonym of the little rapper, the bonnets of the eyes of the sparrows and these pants! If by coincidence you were a teenager at the beginning of zero, then you simply had to beg for the parents of dimensionless jeans, which would suit t to all your clbad and fizruk on the market. In some magazines have written that fashion is now "elephant legs", which then beautifully dragged on the ground and helped the technical schools to keep the school areas clean, and the fly in them is good finished, if at the knee. Beautiful jeans were in fashion!

With the next fashion rap tour, a breakdance breaks out in the world of teenagers (although in Belarus and in 2018 they have attracted breakdance for all kinds of subculture festivals ). Upper and lower breaks were played in every school, garden and every decent family. They did it very simply: the teenager took it in the most unpredictable way, and the parents shook their heads and watched with condemnation the wild dances. In general, it was fun. At about the same time, the walls began to be decorated with graffiti – rich and not very drawn with cans. These unknown artists were immediately proclaimed hooligans and began to struggle with the subculture in the most radical way and gray paint stocks, which in our region has always been plentiful. There was an ugly wall – after the inspection of the housing and communal services employee with the roll in his hands, it was still beautiful and correct.

At one point, rappers have become too much. Some of them have even learned about Tupac Shakur, Biggie, the West and East Coast. But in the war, it was not fashionable to play, so there were no casualties. Finding a rapper at the beginning of scratch was very simple: it showed the rustle of huge pants, a dimensionless bike, sneakers, a hat and a backpack in which the can still lied, even if you "bomb" and that you are stubborn. the historical rules take several years, and all the previous subcultural swing turns into vulgarity. In the endless half of the nightclubs moving the pendulum of the hips under 50 Cent, "Columbia Pictures" is something that there is not, and Timati somebody is seriously starting to call a rapper. In short, the snake bites once more by the tail.

Too much pain for me

What it was, no one understood it. But everything happened very quickly: strange teenagers started appearing in the streets, all with suicidal intentions and catastrophic physical training. Later, it turned out that these are emo-kits and it's a teenage subculture that they even wanted to ban in Russia. But there are many things that they want to ban, and emo-tickers quietly, but methodically they kept shouting about global pain and other problems.

In fact, everything appeared not zero, but twenty years earlier. In the yard there were eighties, raging fierce hardcore. The maximum of social words, protest, the most aggressive submission and crazy concerts, where he was lucky to go out with a nose in the nose, formed a spongy current. It is generally accepted that everything started with the Minor Threat band, although the founders of the style are Rites of Spring. It was the same protest, the same aggressive guitar music, but with a lively expression, depressing lyrics and a bitter romance. In general, in the mid-eighties, all this unconditional decadence was forming in the emo style, which was for the moment cooked in the deep underground boiler.

Producers and merchants are constantly looking for ways to monetize. eyes taken a long time ago and safely forgotten style. The image of the emo-kit is formed as if it were alone and instantly transformed into a uniform. The long oblique fringes, which are conveniently blown from the tip of the nose, the eyes, the lips, painted in the tone of the skin of the face, the black clothes with an abundance of striped and depressed inscriptions.

Emo ideology was painless (which sufficed for everything) simple. Adolescents in the force of puberty, when the psyche writes all kinds of incredible pretzels, received riches all ready as "food for thought" like "the world is already dead," "too much pain for me" and so on . Of course, on the worldview, which is in the dying process of training, this has affected the capital. The thin wrists, which crackled under the pressure of the school backpacks, were decorated with dozens of cuts, the backpack itself was going to the dump, and instead a bag of postman appeared on his shoulder. And yet: my mother finally allowed me to drill! In general, emo, painted black and pink, took to the streets of the city and immediately were mocked. It is therefore admitted that any new subculture is perceived with hostility and attacked by older and zamaterelyh comrades, but in this case it was not necessary to be beaten – unhappy girls and boys have become emo-kits

. Emo stamped and not very grouped at cosmic speed. It is clear that the teenager had never heard of Rites of Spring and Embrace, but how many tears he had shed under My Chemical Romance!

Then there was a wave of already Russian music that suited up to the average emo. They grew up like mushrooms, tears pressed from the body, September was not burned, but burned. All this charm finally blossomed in 2007, and since then, every ex-emo and accustomed habit recalls it with sadness, nostalgia and dreams of return. In the place where the world is already dead.

In otaku!

The development of broadband Internet has brought us many happy moments and opened up new opportunities. Once upon a time, a Soviet schoolboy was hacked by "The Hedgehog in the Fog" and tried to muster the thoughts behind the psychedelic "Armenfilm". Excellent was the option, but no alternative. And then an alternative appeared, and the schoolboy broke the tower when he discovered the anime.

The animeshnikov subculture appeared in the post-Soviet space in the late 1990s, but its flowering took place at the beginning of the 21st century. Vasya, Petit, Lena, Marina turned into otaku and gathered in groups to do a joint immersion in the fascinating world of Japanese animation. How many were there? A comprehensive explanatory dictionary of strange terms for the Slavic ear, bizarre outfits and a personal iconostasis of worship directors.

Some caricatures, of course, did not limit the subject. All this haunt soon turned into a huge flea market, on the ruins of which we could find everything: badges, magazines, video tapes. In every corner of this flap of belarusian Japan, heated debates and discussions unfolded, otaku created an incredibly rich information space and saved money for a flight to the land of dreams. They listened to j-rock, learned the language and dug in the stores looking for appropriate clothing.

It was easy enough to find anime painters: if you see a Japanese, but very different from a Japanese, it is probably him. It was even easier with the cosplayers – they, colorful and strange, could be identified without any problem. It was a pleasure to talk with them: not everyone could understand the humor of an anime cartoonist who respected himself, as the vocabulary, depended heavily on the content of the manga and animation

the existence did not have the time, or did not want to evolve.

Listened to them before it became common

In the middle of zero occurred the junction of two tectonic plates. While the emos disappeared in an accelerated order as a clbad, the announcers of the new British wave rushed into the media space. Hundreds of young boys remember how their drunk father put Led Zeppelin on vinyl or how his mother sang something on the Beatles' nights. This historical memory and this ghostly nostalgia for an undeveloped era forced many of them to take guitars, to jump in tight jeans and to start an indie age

Indie, many of us did not know the middle of zero. and now. Indy is an abbreviation of independent English, in this case it symbolizes small independent labels that are a symbol of the confrontation with major labels and produce so-called non-commercial music. In general, all the "new wave" unknown, strange and bizarre "new wave" British bands, which have long been unclear, have again been the subject of close scrutiny.

In our area, we started to call him hipster. . In general, a hipster is a bit about another. This is not about Britain, but about the United States. And not so much on music, as on the hobby of everything that is rare, original, unusual and atypical. At first, it happened: slender young men, dressed in tight pants and trousers without glbades, without diopters in a thick frame, were perceived as extraterrestrials. While their peers absorbed all that MTV offered them, these guys turned their noses and said something like this: "I listened to it before it became mainstream" . In general, they were not like everyone else, and they were very proud of it.

Identifying the canonical hipster from scratch was easy. On sneakers or old-fashioned boots, skinny jeans, bright printed T-shirts, glbades and a British haircut. Without these attributes, you would not have been quite a hipster. Or not even a hipster. He was talking to a bunch of strange and unknown bands, and he was secretly listening to Justin Timberlake's headphones. But so that nobody knows it.

Then all these British rallies acclimatized themselves to the indecent. The fact that there was an indie was no longer independent, something original was copied thousands of times. Only the hipster has remained in the mbad consciousness, but now we do not know exactly who to call this word and for what reasons.

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