"They fired on this thin plaid and did not even have time to recover." While Minskers rescued 5-year-old Roma, went out through the 7th floor window


The story of saving a child in Marshal Losik's street is drawn to the film's screenplay. The Kid came out of the skyscraper window, but could not hold himself and hung on the window frame. He could not go back up and was about to fall from a height of about 20 meters. Everything could end tragically, if not for four indifferent Minskers who reacted in a split second and took the child to a carpet.

The five-year-old Roma is alive and now lives in the Children's Surgery Center. As Onliner.by has been told the Ministry of Health, the state of the child is still heavy. According to our information, there is no serious injury to the spine in the boy, there is bruising of the internal organs. The Moscow ROSC investigators check the incident and we talked to the heroes of the story of yesterday

Natalia: "I threw the men to check, and a few more seconds later the child fell "

In the courtyards of the new buildings of the Marshal Losik Street. Workers lay slabs, repair noises are heard: not all residents have moved into the houses.

Natalia lives in an apartment on the first floor of house # 29, where everything has happened. With her husband and four children, they moved here just two weeks ago. Yesterday she was home, heard screams around six o'clock in the evening

– I looked out the window on the balcony and saw that a boy was on the seventh floor . There, in the apartment exactly above ours. That's the bedroom window or the window of the nursery, – the woman shows

There were people and asked him to go back, but he could not, s & # 39; 39, hanging on the frame. The men shouted for me to take out the blanket. As I was not confused or stunned and immediately jumped, I still do not know. The first thing she managed to catch, and then did. Literally a few seconds – and it flies. He fell on a plaid, but not in the center, but on the edge. A piece of plaid was detached and the boy fell to the ground. But the shot, of course, has softened. If it was not for the plaid, I think it would have crashed. I immediately called an ambulance, I remember it was 19:03.

Natalya still does not know the family of five-year-old Roma. He said that when they heard the screams and understood what was going on, her husband ran to the seventh floor to enter the apartment, but no one opened it. Then Natalya herself went to the seventh floor, but there was no one there.

– After the fall, the boy tried to get up, go to see his mother, he had a shock. Then my mother came with two young children, well, two years old. She had such a condition, many times it seemed that she was going to faint, [Natalia dit.] . – Then dad approached the children, he took the children, and my mother went with the child to the hospital. The whole house for the baby is worried, to be honest, if only everything was good. Hopefully.

Ivan: "Usually, when I hear screams, kidnaps the child, but how I feel it"

We met Ivan near the job. The man is an office worker. He says that yesterday he found himself near the 29th house by chance: a year-and-a-half son asked to show the playground near this house

– There was a building site, and we were just coming back out the window. small, – the man explains. – I heard that a child is crying on the seventh floor. He cried for about 20 minutes. Then "Mom, forgive me", then "Mom, I want you", then something else. I understood that he was punished and left at home. Usually small I take such conflicts. But, as he felt, he did not go away.

At first, the five-year-old Roma peeked half-dressed out the window. Eyewitnesses say that the boy was trying to get out: he was hanging from his legs, something else.

– I see that the boy is already leaning out the window dressed, I realized that he would come down, – explains Ivan. – I just got out my wife, I took her son, the neighbors came. I watched: the boy came out, then sat, I looked, began to raise the priest. I think, "Well, everything." He ran home, and with me and the neighbor, the surgeon Dmitry, gave the child to his wife and rushed too. I run and I think: what to do, how to catch it? Immediately figured as torn tendons and broken bones.

According to the man, Rom somehow the moment of tears from the window, he grabbed the frame and hung. The man started to calm the child.

– I shouted to him to calm down, I tried to straighten and go back up, – says Ivan. – He started shooting and shouting, "I'm weak, I'm small, I do not have enough strength." I still said, "Do not cry, calm down and climb." Then, from the first floor, a woman bends over and says, "Which floor?" I shout at him, "Come on!" She asked again. Once again I barked at him: "Come!" She immediately threw the blanket, three seconds pbaded.

A man walked by Ivan and Dmitri. It turned out that he was just coming back with a forgotten boar in his car. He drew near as well, and the three men spread the rug Natalia had thrown out.

– At first we did not stretch it well. I say, "Guys, intercepted." I understood that it's bad to keep it that way, you have to bring it back on the paintbrush. They wrapped it up, fired on this plaid, and did not even have time to recover – it already flies. The distance from the house is one and a half meters. We did not understand, we moved and caught it. The seconds have pbaded. Minor fell on the blanket and rolled to the ground: a curvature of the waist fell on the sidewalk, and his head on the lawn. And in addition, the boots fell.

Immediately the ambulance arrived, the child tried to jump and run towards his mother, but he was rebadured.

– I did not see aside how he fell. And then the guard came and said that he had baded the fall of this plaid, explains Ivan. – It's scary. To be honest, I thought everyone should do it, but when the baby fell, he looked around – the crowd got up and looked at it.

Ivan is not familiar with the boy's family. According to neighbors, there are six children, but they are mere girls by nature.

– When this mother came with two children, I saw a tortured woman, you know, like a horse after plowing. Mom throws everything, eyes roll up there. Four times I fainted a bit, – says Ivan. – Dad came when the little one has already been sent to the ambulance. Dad – also a tired worker. The children seem to be cared for. This kid, I noticed, neat, tonsured, neat, dressed normally, clean.

– Investigators and inspectors asked if anyone was pushing a child, maybe someone from the apartment had something done. No, he was alone, nothing like that happened. If from the apartment he was distracted, then he shouted and ran to get dressed, – he concludes. – At night, my wife called the hospital, they said everything was fine, they would say that they would walk. They said we all did well. Thank God. It seems that his stomach is soft, that there is no bleeding.

Dmitry: "If we caught him without carpets, he and we had more serious injuries"

We meet Dmitry in the mall. He works as a surgeon in Minsk Oblast and in hospitals in Dzerzhinsky district. Now, the man has a vacation. Yesterday, he and his wife got together with their children for a walk. They dressed, took walkers, went out and heard a scream in the street

– I look, the child protrudes from the window, mom calls, shouts: "Mom, I'm sorry ! ", – he says. – I look, neighbors ahead are standing. We approached, began to discuss what is. According to them, they shouted for ten minutes, they called the police, but up to now there are none. We became confused. It was a bit scary to approach the little one, so as not to scare him: the child was starting to do something. We stayed on the sidelines and tried not to attract attention. He usually screamed at the window, then sat down on the windowsill and hooked his legs, then turned around and left. Literally a minute – appears again, hang your head first, back to the apartment. A few minutes later, he already seems dressed and crawls forward with his feet out the window and hangs at the window frame

– We gave a wife to our neighbors – – the man continues. – You run and you think, whether to catch. How to create a moment of strength so that when the body falls, force the muscles and ligaments to simultaneously stop the force of the fall? And you can also have a lot of injuries. It's clear, the women moan and gasp, the scream rises. The woman on the first floor is a good friend, I do not know where she found this blanket, another would probably have asked, "And what?", Would start blunting. And she dared not flinch and threw the rug.

Dmitry says that the plaid was of standard size, very thin, like in the shops, so twisted in roll

– We told the baby not to be nervous, to calm up climbing, – explains Dmitry. – He tried to go on the wall to climb and reach, he did not have enough strength. He shouted that he was small and could not. We just stretched this plaid, I'm on one side for two corners, a neighbor and another man – with the second. Literally seconds – and all: the sound of falling body. Apparently, he touched the ledge of a window to a floor – and fell on a blanket. It turned out that we did not have time to look up, how it was flying, we did not have it, if someone were directing us, maybe we were there. Would have taken better.

According to Dmitry, Roma fell on the trunk with a plaid and his feet landed on the ground. He was in a state of shock, tried to get up, but Dmitry did not let him do it.

– I tried to keep it, since I can not get up with such trauma, explains the surgeon. – He got up, but immediately felt bad, his head was spinning and paleness appeared. I pressed him, he began to calm in his arms. I started talking with him for our services. He asked him what his name was, who he lived with, where. We met him, he calmed down, began to respond

Then my mother had two children. In five to seven minutes an ambulance arrived, I immediately introduced myself, shouted at them what to take. He helped the child lie down on a stretcher, put on Shants' collar, which fixed the cervical spine, and left. I learned from my colleagues that he left very easily. Now he is waiting for a consultation with a neurosurgeon. And if everything is good with the neck and the head, it means that he's not born in a shirt, but that he has wings.

When asked how he was so good at catching a five-year-old baby, Dmitry only shrugged his shoulders. 19659006] – There is such a phenomenon in animals, when they unite in herds for a purpose and do not even speak. So here. Everything happened in a few seconds, he explains. – Of course, this carpet really helped me. He severely softened the blow, although he escaped the fall of a child in kilograms 18-20. If we were trying to catch our hands, we would also have more serious injuries.

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