Three children fell by the window at the same time. Investigators conduct an audit


On July 17, law enforcement officers learned that two boys (aged six and five) and a two-year-old girl had been transported to the hospital for help. medical. It turned out that in the afternoon of July 17, the neighboring boys were visiting a girl and playing in a children's room located on the second floor of a private house. Being in a room without adults with a slightly open window, the children set up a chair and climbed onto the window sill

– They opened the window independently and leaned on the screen, which later fell ties. As a result, the miners dropped from a height of more than 5 and a half meters and were seriously injured (head injuries, hip fractures, shoulder injuries, various bruises), investigators discover the causes of the incident. -The medical examinations, the work is done with the parents, the eyewitnesses.

Families in which children live are positively characterized in a socially dangerous situation.

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