Three platoons of powerful computer specialists. The army talked about the new unit


The information technology company plans to recruit 60 people. This was announced today by the head of the Military Academy Viktor Lisovsky. The IT company will be completed in two stages. "The first set will be held in the fall – that is 40 people, two platoons.In the spring – one more.A total of 60 people, informed the leader of the Military Academy

Among the selection criteria is higher technical education in IT specialties in profile.

"Young people will be chosen as all military personnel for health. Without fail, an interview will be conducted through the system of military police stations, testing the young people who will eventually get a certain score. " Viktor Lisovsky explains

He draws attention to the fact that the new unit will play a supporting role.The boys will serve as ordinary soldiers and at the end of the training they will receive the military specialty of the PC operator.

Viktor Lisovsky pointed out that the creation of a computer company is a mutually beneficial project for the armed forces and representatives of the computer industry.The young people called to the service military emergency in accordance with the Belarusian legislation will be able to benefit from the military security system and improve their professional skills.The purpose of the creation of a computer company is the development of software, special and applied programs in collaboration with units of the Military Academy, other scientific and educational institutions

Among the projects to which the Academy is imp liquefied are those of the simulation of military operations. , the development of automated control systems and radar. The tasks of the members of the new unit will be linked, first of all, to the mathematical justification of the projects and the production of the software product. To work specialists will be provided with the most advanced equipment and software.

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