Time Experiments: In the Orsha District, the limits for chain stores for the opening of new stores have been canceled


Today, Alexander Lukashenko signed Decree No. 297 with an unusual title: "On the conduct of an experiment". Its essence lies in the fact that from August 1 to December 31, 2022, commercial networks with a share in the turnover of more than 20% will be allowed to open new stores. The only network in the country, close to the ceiling, which is registered in the law, is Euroopt. They are almost the only initiators of the share increase.

The Orsha district was chosen as the place of experience, which was raised by the whole country for more than a year.

Recall that in March of this year the MART examined the offer of Eurotorg in the Trade Act in the Restriction part of the infrastructure of the development of commercial networks with the realization of A 20% share in the volume of the retail food business turnover. The retail network has proposed to increase this share to 35% or to completely abolish this rule

Then, Minister Vladimir Koltovich took a stand on behalf of the department and the company: no one Needs this rule except Eurotorg. The next network – "Crown" – has a share of 8 times less. And if the entity has a stake greater than 20%, there are risks of price increases.

Since then, the position has not changed. At the last press conference, Artur Karpovich, MART's first deputy minister, confirmed:

– No one interferes with commercial networks in the countryside. But everyone will "skim the cream".

Euroopt, in turn, appealed to the interests of the population.

– The barrier of 20% today affects the interests of small towns to 50,000 people. villages. It's 23 thousand villages and 168 cities. And they live today without a modern trade format. At the same time, prices in traditional shops in the villages are 30% higher than in the city, – the director general of Eurotorg, Andrey Zubkov, says

Now the residents of 39, Orsha will have the opportunity to test the strength of the arguments of the parties. Arthur Karpovich spoke of another experiment being prepared in the offices of the Council of Ministers: in some areas, temporary restrictions on the alcohol trade will be introduced to determine if this affects the criminal situation.

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