Tips for caravans in Italy


Contrary to popular belief that traveling to Italy inexpensively, a car trip is not such a cheap pleasure. Even in comparison with the richer neighbors of the Italians, Austria or Switzerland, one must realize that the autotravel trip on the Apennine peninsula requires a larger budget than in the alpine republics

: Ivan Petrenko "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 1103 "data-x-src =" "data-x -width = "1200 data" y-height = "661" data-y-src = "" data-y-width = "720" data-zoom = "1" height = "662" hspace = "0" src = "" title = "Photography: Ivan Petrenko" vspace = "0" width = "720" />
There are two types of diesel in service stations in Italy. It is best to avoid automatic filling stations and calculate cash

It should be borne in mind that fuel in Italy is more expensive than in Austria or neighboring France . So before entering, it makes sense to fill a full tank. For fuels in cities, the cost of fuel is sometimes indicated for those who pay a local card. For foreigners, the amount may be slightly higher. In automatic refueling (where there is no operator), you must strictly follow the procedure. First pay, then put the gun in the tank. In addition, during refueling, even for 10 euros, the amount of 100 euros is blocked on the card. The terms of his release are different, up to 3 months. So do not risk and refuel at the petrol station in cash and where there is an operator.

Roads and ways

  Photo: Ivan Petrenko

We note immediately, it is theoretically possible to do without highways in Italy, but in fact, the money savings can only be achieved by a important overrun of time and effort. it costs about 10 euros for every 100 km of the road traveled 5 years ago, it costs exactly twice less.

The toll roads are marked in green on the signs, their speed is allowed up to 130 km / h. the color and sign of high-speed highways without highways where the speed limit is 110 km / h. By the way, in France, the use of these colors is exactly the opposite: the French freeways pay – on a blue background, free roads – on the green. In the colonies, traffic is allowed at a speed not exceeding 50 km / h.

  Photo: Ivan Petrenko "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 808 "data-x-src =" "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 484 "data-y-src =" 720x720s / n / avto / 01/5 / gid_italia_2018_02.jpg " data-y-width = "720" data-zoom = "1" height = "485" hspace = "0" src = "https: // / 720x720s / n / avto / 01/5 / gid_italia_2018_02 .jpg "title =" Photo: Ivan Petrenko "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> It is possible to pbad through Telepbad, but the chances of obtaining the penalty are very high </figcaption></figure>
<p>  The construction of toll roads in Italy is in standard form. At the entrance of the paying site, you take a ticket in the machine, on the road – you pay according to the distance traveled. In case of payment by automatic cabins, coins of 1, 2 cents and tickets over 100 euros are not accepted. You can pay by card, but not Maestro or electronic. Only Clbadic and the categories above. </p>
<p>  Theoretically, you can drive through Telepbad even if you do not have a TV because there is no barrier. But it's an event too dangerous, and obviously you will not save. The installed camera will instantly correct your violation, giving you an unexpected flash, so you do not even doubt that you and your car will be searched and very active. </p>
<figure clbad=  Photo: Pavel Murashko
If something does not work, press the big red button

If suddenly your card did not work, there is no money, and at congress of the toll road of this place everything is automated so much that there is not Within the limits of the visibility of any of the participants, then look for a button under which "help" will be written. If you can at least explain in a language that you can not pay, but you have to go, then you will be open a barrier. Again, the phatocamera will work with the flash, and you will have to pay for it on the internet. The lower the price, the sooner

 Photo: Ivan Petrenko "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 786 "data-x-src =" n /avto/02/1/gid_italia_2018_01.jpg "data-x-width =" 1045 "data-y-height =" 541 "data-y-src =" / avto / 02/1 / gid_italia_2018_01.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 542 "hspace =" 0 "src =" 720x720s /n/avto/02/1/gid_italia_2018_01.jpg "title =" Photo: Ivan Petrenko "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/> </p>
<p>  In winter, on the roads of Italy, you should use winter tires, or carry with you for the luggage compartment has special wheel chains that need to be worn on the car in case of ice or snowfall.The alarm at this about on the roadside all year </p>
<p>  Bud those who are attentive, so suddenly on the highway, you suddenly see a speed limit of 50 km / h it will certainly be written in small print "in case of snowfall", that is to say under normal conditions. , who came to Italy first, it is on this occasion can happen accidents. Imagine that such a tourist stops suddenly at the speed of 130 km / h before the "50" sign. He seems to have tried to follow the rules of the road. And not knowing the Italian language, did not pay attention to the postscript below. </p>
<p>  Toilets in Italy are almost everywhere on the toll roads – free. Of course, their condition is distinctly different from the toilets of Austria, Switzerland and even Germany. Recently, Italians are trying to introduce a system of ecological toilets, at the entrance of which they installed the German turnstiles. By depositing 50 or 70 cents, you have the right to go to the toilet, and at the same time and to the right, you pay the voucher issued at the turnstile of the bar-restaurant of this supply. As a result, going to the bathroom is free or only costs 20 cents. It's just the cost of coffee at these gas stations is also higher than usual. But in any case, a cup of good cappuccino in Italy will be one and a half to two times cheaper than in Germany. </p>
<figure clbad=  Photo: Pavel Murashko "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 797 "data-x-src =" "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 478 "data-y-src =" https: // " data-y-width = "720" data-zoom = "1" height = "478" hspace = "0" src = "https: // .jpg "title =" Photo: Pavel Murashko "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> The turtles of the race of two trucks on the Italian motorways are not uncommon </figcaption></figure>
<p>  On the motorway in Italy, it is customary, as in all Europe, to stay in front of the cars Strictly left but occupying the right lane. Be careful however: the Italians may well, without waiting for you to catch the maneuver or reconstruction, you turn around on the right. At the same time, they will pick up the lights or condemn the horn. It seems like they are all in a hurry. And observing the regime at high speed, I always wonder why in this situation everyone exceeds me? What am I doing wrong, trying not to exceed speed? </p>
<p>  The answer is simple: local drivers know where the radar is installed, and between them they recover with speed, speeding up quickly to the next radar. In addition, on highways, speed measurement is performed by measuring the travel time of a particular section: from the entrance to the exit radar. And knowing these patterns, Italians "play with skill," walking to the limit of the law </p>
<p>  Tip: do not try to repeat them for them. There are so many radars in Italy that you have to "hang" two silent electronic security guards, which monetize your violation in real numbers. </p>
<p>  Theoretically, if you drive a faster car with Belarussian numbers in Italy, a fine will not be sent to Belarus. Accounting systems are not yet unified, and this is unlikely to happen in the near future. But if you come back to Italy with such a car, it is possible that you are calculated on the normal traffic (automatically on the paid sites), and then you will be "offered" to pay all your "sins", certainly at a more high, waiting for the moment of justice. Therefore, in any case, try not to violate the rules of speed mode </p>
<h2 data-toc= Police and penalties

  Photo: Ivan Petrenko

How and in other European countries, communication with the police in Italy is very different, depending on the role you play. If you are in the role of a malicious offender of high speed There is no refusal to receive a penalty, if you are a victim of the violation of someone else's – the most caring attitude – you will be helped to write an accident report, explain your plan of action. in the event of an accident with no damage to health and no significant damage to cars, accident participants can usually do without the police.

Here is an example from personal practice. In the parking lot in front of the airport of Bergamo, I pushed back the car and I immediately opened the driver 's door. At that time, an Audi car hit it with a right rearview mirror, whose driver was an imposing Italian, who hastily parked in front of us to disembark the pbadenger

We started to discover the relationship with him. He claimed that I should not have opened the door before moving on. I was convinced that I was right because after my parking maneuver upside down and on a site where traffic was limited to only 5 km / h, it should not have been to commit this accident if he had complied with the rules.

he turned out to be a woman, acted as an intermediary in the completion of the protocols. Helped the Italian to balance after her noisy emotional bravado. We parted calmly, none of us recognized that we were guilty. A month later, my insurance company sent a document that I found guilty of an accident, and she paid compensation for my damages to the Italian. It was unfortunate that the local hooligan managed to convince his company of his innocence, although I provided all the images of the scene of the accident, the absence of damage on the edge of my door (confirming the small angle of the opening).  Photo: Ivan Petrenko "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data-x-src =" "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" " data -y-width = "720" data-zoom = "1" height = "480" hspace = "0" src = " . jpg "title =" Photo: Ivan Petrenko "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/> [19659007] Conclusion: do not try to negotiate with an Italian after an accident on the spot, let the airline company and you will certainly make a trip with all the necessary documents. </p>
<p>  By the way, for those who let themselves drink, 0.5 ppm is 150 ml of good Italian wine for an average weight of 80 kg [19659030] Parkings </h2>
<p data-mce-style= In Italy, it is good to be familiar with the colors of the markings, which designate the parking spaces: blue, white or yellow.The main thing to know is that without parking, if necessary, you are in danger fines and problems.In the supermarket area you can find parking lots marked in white.It's lucky! They are free.In the center of the city is unlikely to But look carefully at the possible explanations on the posters. department stores, only the first two hours are free and then paid

  Photo: Ivan Petrenko "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 675 "data-x-src =" https: // img. / n / avto / 08/8 / gid_italia_2018_10.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 405 "data-y-src =" https: //img.tyt. by / 720x720s / n / avto / 08/8 / gid_italia_2018_10.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 405 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https: // img / 720x720s / n / avto / 08/8 / gid_italia_2018_10.jpg "title =" Photo: Ivan Petrenko "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/> </p>
<p data-mce-style= For the controller to know how much time is your car in the parking lot, it is best to have a blue parking disc, I put it on the day you leave the car, and be calm for the next 2 or 3 hours, depending on local conditions. These discs are also useful in other European countries, and even in Switzerland.You can buy them at service stations.

The yellow lines in Italy designate parking spaces for people with disabilities. pbading, the most severe punishment is that they took a place for an invalid, without any motive.After I saw a poster on which a person disabled address to an offender: "He took my place, take my disability." Hard text. I admit that after seeing and reading such a poster, I never had the idea of ​​parking in the yellow zone, even if it was not there. had no place at all.

Blue lines indicate paid parking. So, there should be a parking machine in which you take a coupon for the paid time and put it under the windshield. If the time is late, wait for the "gift" in the form of a free receipt, even if it's only 15 minutes longer than the norm.

Sometimes there are pink marks, but usually with a stork sign or photo. This is for young mothers or pregnant women. But if you are a tourist, it is unlikely that you would put a certificate from the local mayor's office about your pregnancy under the windshield. So be careful. After seeing you, the inspector, of course, will not appreciate your car, but if he wrote a fine before your appearance, alas, there is nothing to do, even if you will give birth the next morning.

  Photo: Pavel Murashko border =
Expressive Italians can organize a real battle in the parking lot. Señor from the outside with a gesture shows the Mercedes driver, so that he continued, the place is busy

For a bad parking penalty can go up to 40 euros . In case of quick payment, there may be a 30% discount. For foreigners coming from Europe, the parking penalty is equivalent to the national penalty. If you have not paid for the piece of paper stuck to your windshield, then wait for the "Letter of Happiness" with the increased fare at home. And for Belarusians, the most unpleasant thing is to put the car in a data system on offenders. Then either do not appear more on this car in Italy, either still pay carefully, so as not to have consequences on the next visa.

If you are parked under the sign restricting the parking time, it is better not to be late. The evacuation works immediately. If you have time before the car is removed, you will get rid of 150 euros fine. Parking particularly busy near attractions that tourists like to visit.

Communication and Internet

For the Internet, buying a map makes no sense, most refuellements offer free Wi-Fi. It is clear that the speed of the traffic in this case is not the highest, but there is enough to communicate with the virtual world. If you have always decided to be in touch, you can buy a card for the Internet speaking or mobile, or just for the Internet. 1-2 GB of traffic from 5 euros. In Italy, four major telecom operators: TIM, Vodafone Italia, Wind, 3 Italia. Tariff plans vary carefully, there are promotional actions, so it is best to become familiar with the most favorable tariff shortly before the trip

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