"To win, I have enough intelligence, a sense of life is more important." Belarusian beauty has become the best rider in the world


It turned out that we are not Croats, English, Belgians, French or Russians, at the moment, to show the patriotic joy of football. Our team is not at the World Cup, and we do not know when it will be there. But the female trend for sports pride continues. More recently, Vasilisa Maslova de Grodno has become world champion in freestyle slalom (this is a very artistic roller between the cones). The girl enters the top-3 planetary and tells how she can live in a country that aspires to "500".

In the Dutch city of Arnhem took place the world slalom freestyle roller skating

Freestyle Slalom – It's figure skating around the cones on the reels. The cones can be located at a distance of 50, 80 and 120 cm

Tomorrow, it's time for the clbadic slalom #skategirl #belarus #skate #stihiyashop #welovetoskate #seba #sebaskates #girlsgoneskating #skatebrasil #skateist #freestyleslalom # freestyle #roex #competition # grodnonow #grodno #sebaeverywhere #sebaigor #bigheart #bigwheelblading #skatebrasil #skateist #girl #unusualrollerblading #amopatinar #wfsc #arnhem # The Netherlands

Publication of Vasilisa Maslova (@vasilisafreestyle)

The first is that of the freestyle-slalom clbadics. In two minutes, you must show the dance mixed with style and ligaments. Most often, skating takes place on a wheel.

The second is freestyle slalom battles. Only the technical side of skating is important here. It is necessary to show the most complex ligaments in 30 seconds

One of the most difficult categories

The Belarusian did not face the excitement of the clbadics, but won the battle [19659010] Publication of Vasilisa Maslova (@vasilisafreestyle) [29 juin 2011] 2018 at 06:04 PDT

There is a world ranking. Based on the positions in it was chosen the composition of the participants. Vasilisa is the third. The participants in the competition were divided into four groups of four. There were two best of each.

– I left the group only from second place. After an unsuccessful rental was a hair of relegation. The rivals became very strong. But I was ready. I went to the finals of the first place, and there I realized that there was more reason to worry, and I showed the best ice-skating .

The girl is not very "material". Do not translate your sport into commerce. She says that she has long been at the service of this medal, literally and figuratively, through pain, sweat, tears, and suffering.

– There is money – well, not at all. money – and no need. I'm getting better, stronger and more experienced. But yes, I have a sponsor – one of the Belarusian extreme sports shops. "Element" is called. In addition, before the start of the World Cup, the cooperation was offered by another guy. So I will make a trip to Holland, and for "communal" in Grodno will be enough to pay. Victory even in the World Cup is not paid by the organizers. I live to feel alive and evolving. Not related to the state and position of the material. I have enough intelligence to win. And the experience that this medal will bring is more important to me.

Publication of Vasilisa Maslova (@vasilisafreestyle)

In the world of Vasilisa. She has her own skating school in Grodno. Students take medals. So school is successful.

The videos were not always in the girl's life. Vasilisa studied at the Grodno State University, in honor of Yanka Kupala as a linguist. The main language is German and the bonus language is English. Then she worked two years as a school teacher

– it was a short and rather sad period of my life. It turned out that I was simply unable to work in a team. As with anyone, I have qualities that have not shown me the best. About how unable to work for someone I knew. And an insane attempt to convince oneself did not work. At the same time, I love children.

Vasilisa Maslova's publication (@vasilisafreestyle)

In addition, it was not possible to train in the right amount. She drove until two in the morning, then woke up at work

– The last six months, training in this mode, was on the strength of the will . Could all give up. Then she left her job, opened an IP, she was involved in the training of adults and children in skates.

The victory at the World Championship gives the girl the motivation to continue

a new motivation for further development. Plus, I'm glad it's so that I'm promoting the country's brand, which people may be interested in. It is important to understand that Belarusians are not worse than anyone, and even better. It's kind, proud and meaningful. A normal situation. About Belarus among the participants of the World Cup do not know much. Confused with Russia. But I stop all that. I explain that we have our own socio-cultural characteristics, we are another country.

Publication of Vasilisa Maslova (@vasilisafreestyle)

Vasilisu forms a notebook in which she registers her training programs. With the conditions to study everything is not easy. In winter, it is very difficult. There is no specialized room. And the coverage criteria are quite strict – it must be smooth, seamless, not slippery, not soft.

– In the end, I skate in winter in the street if there is no snow. And in the rain and in the minus 15. There were desperate times when I got up at 6 in the morning to sprinkle the way with salt, and then start skating. Now, there is a girlfriend who gives me her dance floor. It's small, but pretty good in terms of bad. Another school helps us, which allows us to walk along the corridor after clbades.

Previously, Vasilisa was involved in athletics, which gave her the functional foundation, and now she only forms skating. Out of season – three hours per season – six hours five times a week

– In any case, it gives me a feeling of life which, it seems to me, is the dominant

Vasilisa Publication Maslova (@vasilisafreestyle)

Roller skates in the catalog Onliner.by

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