Travel and rejoice. Cyclone Khalina with mood swings will not let you get bored


The current weather is like a trap for Peterhof: you do not know when you (or sub) will shoot. So to this and it is necessary to occupy, flowing of the last forces: as good to have fun. Belhydromet distributed the orange cards all week without tiring: showers, thunderstorms, fun … There are many more there, we looked. When will all this end so that we can complain about heat and drought?

The meaning of the current time is that you do not have to guess how much and where the weekly standard of hot water is going to pour over you. Sometimes, to get out of the shower, just take a step aside. Sometimes he follows you. Ends as soon as you open the umbrella. It starts again when you clean it. Such are the stupid rules of this game.

The cyclone that provides us this time is called Halina, which explains in many ways the physics of what is happening. Forecasters use the term "Black Sea depression". This hot woman with mood swings and low blood pressure came from the south of Ukraine. I walked to the east and rested in the high pressure area on Leningrad. We will have to live with her for a while. Until Friday, she is completely free (if not change your mind, that's Khalina).

Tomorrow and in the next few days nothing will change – forecasters predict spontaneous rain, showers, lightning, here and there – hail. When the storms – snake up to 20 meters per second. It is believed that the intensity of rainfall will be greatest in the east. But it's hot, up to 28 degrees during the day.

Keep in mind that in Minsk on Saturday, a thunderstorm is forecast at a temperature of 24 to 26 degrees. Where exactly she decides to go and how many times she will succeed tomorrow – we'll see.

We recall the past. Now, not just about the weather. The hottest thing in Minsk these days was July 21, 2001 – 32 degrees. At the same time, heavy rains started in Pakistan, which killed 200 people in 10 days

On the night of July 22, 1968, the capital was colder than normal by more than 4.3 degrees. Meanwhile, the Soviet army and its allies began preparations for the deployment of troops in Czechoslovakia.

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