Trump: Conspiracy with Russia is not a crime, but it was not


US President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the conspiracy with Russia to influence the results of the presidential election in which he is suspected is not a legal offense. However, Trump added, this circumstance has no practical significance, because there was no collusion between him and Russia during the 2016 election campaign.

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<p>  "The conspiracy is not a crime, but it does not matter, because there was no collusion (except the rogue Hillary [Клинтон] and the Democrats)," writes Trump in <a data-eid= Twitter ]

In this way, the US President reiterated statements made Monday by his lawyer Rudolph Giuliani, who stated that the conspiracy in which Trump was suspected was not a crime. "I studied the federal code [уголовный] here and I tried to find collusion as a crime.The conspiracy is not a crime," said Giuliani on Fox News

Since May of last year, the special prosecutor Robert Müller is investigating allegations of attempts by the Russian authorities to influence the 2016 presidential election in the United States. Trump and his aides repeatedly rejected the suspicions of illegal contacts with officials of the Russian Federation during the pre-election campaign. Moscow has also repeatedly refuted allegations of attempts to influence the course of elections in the United States.

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