Trump under fire from the critics after meeting Putin


US politicians, representatives of the Republican and Democratic parties, criticized the speech of US President Donald Trump at a press conference with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, which took place in Helsinki the day before

  Reuters "border =" 0 "data -x-height =" 877 "data-x-src =" "data-x -width = "1200" data-y-height = "526" data-y-src = "" data- y-width = "720" data -zoom = "1" height = "526" hspace = "0" src = " .jpg "title =" Photo: Reuters "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Photo: Reuters </figcaption></figure>
<p>  The greatest indignation was Trump's response to the question of who he believes in the case of Russia's alleged interference in the US elections. "I trust my intelligence, but I want to say that President Putin denied very firmly today [обвинения во вмешательстве]," he said at a press conference </p>
<p>  "when he had the opportunity to protect our intelligence services.I was very disappointed and saddened by the fact that he put them on the same set and what Putin said, "the Republican Senator <strong> Bob Corker </strong> who heads the Senate External Relations Committee, told CNN. </p>
<p>  A similar opinion was expressed by a Republican senator from South Carolina <strong> Linds Graham </strong>. "Trump missed the opportunity to call Russia to account for the interference in the 2016 elections and to strictly prevent future elections", <a href= he wrote in " Twitter. "

Graham also noted that Trump would have carefully checked a bullet given to Putin by an "insect" and would never bring him to the White House.

Speaker of the House of Representatives of the US Republican Congress Paul Ryan stated that Russia undoubtedly interfered in the US elections "In the United States and in other countries." Ryan recalled that this conclusion was drawn not only by the US intelligence services, but also by the Intelligence Committee of the Senate

"The President must take into account: Russia is not our ally. There is no moral equality between the United States and Russia, which remains hostile to our core values ​​and ideals. "

The director of American intelligence Dan Coates said that, in the opinion of the intelligence services, in the US elections, there is no doubt." We drew up an unequivocal record of Russia's interference in the 2016 elections and its persistent attempts to undermine our democracy, "he recalled

the Democratic Leader in the Senate Chuck Schumer " Faced with Putin and denounced the American forces of order. "

" In the history of our country, the Americans have not seen the American president support the enemy as Donald Trump supported President Putin. " your page on Twitter He called Trump's position" reckless, dangerous and weak. "

Another Democrat Adam Schiff called the words of the US president "cowardly and shameful" and said that "Putin will take this com me a green light for the intervention "

" President Trump has just attacked our intelligence services and law enforcement for doing their job by standing by the side of the dictator who he's ingested in our elections to help him get elected " he's in" Twitter. "

Republican Senator John McCain [19] Trump's speech at a press conference with Putin as "one of the most shameful statements of US presidents in history" , and the leader of the democratic minority in the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi convened a meeting in Helsinki "Trump was also criticized for having said that a few hours before the meeting in Helsinki he writes in his "Twitter" that the relationship between Moscow and Washington has deteriorated "due to stupidity and stupidity". "

" I would never have thought that I would see the day when our President will stand next to Russia and blame Russia's aggression on the US It's a shame, " Republican Senator from Arizona said Jeff Flake .

"Let's be honest, Donald Trump, you look weak in the eyes of Putin and the world, Putin respects power", – wrote in "Twitter" the former US ambbadador to Russia Michael McFaul . According to his opinion Putin "won a fantastic victory in Helsinki."

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