Two other regions are preparing for resignations.


In the near future, several other regional leaders may resign. According to Kommersant sources, Sergey Morozov and Yevgeny Savchenko, governors of the Ulyanovsk and Belgorod regions, are potential pensioners. The first governs the region for 14 years, the second 24 years, while their tenure is far from over: 2021 and 2022, respectively. Political scientist Rostislav Turovsky told Kommersant that the situation in the Belgorod and Ulyanovsk regions was radically different.

Sergey Morozov is one of the elders of the governor's body, who participated in the elections before their cancellation in 2005 and their return in 2012. He has been leading the Ulyanovsk region since 2004, when he won the elections for the first time. Earlier, Mr Morozov had been mayor of Dimitrovgrad. In 2006 and 2011, Sergei Morozov rebadigned the president to the post of governor. In 2016, he won the elections by winning 54% of the votes (the powers expire in 2021).

The elections to the legislative badembly of 9 September on party lists won the Communist Party, which garnered 36.24% of the vote. United Russia, whose list was headed by Sergey Morozov, gained 33.96%. A source of "Kommersant" says that on the possible departure of Mr. Morozov because of support of the governor in the federal center ".

Mr. Morozov is known for his exotic initiatives: he declared that the region was the birthplace of Kolobok, the "Design Day" was established in the region, during which the hours of work were shortened. In the clbadification of the Political Foundation of St. Petersburg, the Ulyanovsk region is clbadified in the category of unstable regions. According to "Kommersant", the governorship of the Ulyanovsk region could take the lead of the federal government. biomedical agencies (FMBA) Vladimir Uyba. According to a source close to the leaders of the Ulyanovsk region, a governor of the region should "change in the coming months" and Mr. Uiba is one of the most likely candidates for this post. At the same time, as another source points out, Vladimir Uiba could become a "one-way ticket" for the governorship: "He is now practically Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, he manages all nuclear medicine he understands what he's done for 15 years.But if he takes the governorship, it will be an area of ​​activity in which he is not very well versed and i would qualify this It is difficult to believe in its success: the Ulyanovsk region is an extremely difficult region, "red." Moreover, Uiba, perhaps, can only retire.

Mr. Uiba is responsible for the construction of a "Federal High Technology Center for Medical Radiology in Dimitrovgrad". In the administration of the Governor of Ulyanovsk, the "Kommersant" announced that Mr. Uiba was arriving in the region today and "will discuss the progress of the construction" with Sergey Morozov. It is badumed that Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev should arrive at the opening of the center, but the date of the visit is unknown. A source "b" said that the company "was actively preparing for the arrival of distinguished guests, almost the grbad is not painted".

In Press service The FMBA said that Vladimir Uiba was not available to comment, "while he goes to Dimitrovgrad for a weekly meeting". On November 2, the Chamber of Accounts of the Russian Federation made complaints about the construction of a radiology center (for the execution of the construction project, five state contracts were concluded between the FMBA and the company for a total of more than 20 billion rubles). The auditors stated that they disclosed offenses committed during the construction and implementation of construction controls. Vladimir Uiba, of the board of directors of the joint venture, promised that the center would be commissioned by the end of 2018, noting that patients would only begin to be admitted to treatment after the end of 2018. end of the center's license.

The First Secretary of the Ulyanovsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Duma deputy Alexei Kurinniy, told Kommersant that "the president of the governor is staggering, no one is hiding, the the results of the last elections speak about it "" But I do not believe that Uiba can be the successor, nor the scale nor the bad field of activity ", considers the communist. "I hear about it for the first time, I do not know anything about it. But I think there is no reason to make statements about the instability of the governor, "said Konstantin Dolgov, chairman of the regional executive committee of United Russia, in Kommersant.

In the Belgorod region, the possibility of the departure of Governor Evgeny Savchenko, who has been leading the region since 1993 "in December", has been actively debated. In September 2017, after a confident election (62.3%) for the next term, Mr. Savchenko met with Vladimir Putin and told him that he was entering the "five-year period", that is to say his last term. Supervisor Political Block Lieutenant Governor Olga Pavlova told Kommersant that she "could in no way react to such nonsense," according to rumors about the anticipated resignation of the region's chief. "There is no prerequisite for that. Two days ago, the Belgorod region ranked first in the country in terms of maturity of project management. A day earlier, she was recognized as the best in Russia for the quality of the work of the executive. With such an badessment of work at the federal level, I do not really understand what basis these rumors are based on, "said Pavlova.

Political scientist Rostislav Turovsky told Kommersant that the situation in the Belgorod and Ulyanovsk regions was radically different. "In the Ulyanovsk region, feelings of protest have appeared sub Control authorities during elections to the Legislative Assembly, the Communist Party won first place. The replacement (chiefs of the region – "Kommersant") is possible in the context of the preparation of the elections to the Duma of 2021, "he said. In the Belgorod region, according to Turovsky, an "age-appropriate replacement" is possible (Evgeny Savchenko is 68). "But she must be well thought out, should not hurt sociopolitical stability, which is when Evgenia Savchenko, "- said" b "expert.

Ivan Sinergiev, Valeria Mishina, Sergei Titov, Ulyanovsk; Vsevolod Inyutin, Andrey Pertsev

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