Two schoolgirls drowned in a pond – one was saved by eyewitnesses, another was lost


The problem occurred yesterday afternoon in Putniki village, Molodechno district. The district department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported that two girls were drowning in an artificial pond. At the arrival of the rescuers, one of them had already been dragged to the ground, the second had been removed by the bottom by divers. It was not possible to resuscitate him.

The call to the emergency control service arrived at 3:05 pm. Upon arrival at the site, it was discovered that two girls from 2004 and 2006 from birth swam without adults. People who were nearby heard screams. Running, they saw that the girls were drowning. The old one was saved, she was hospitalized.

Subsequently, divers from the rescue team of the Minsk Regional Department of Emergency Situations Department found a second schoolgirl 3 meters from the shore. The medical badistant performed resuscitation, but the girl died.

As later told the investigation committee, a company of six teenagers wanted to buy in an artificial pond and was looking for a place conducive to normal entry into the water. At that time, a girl born in 2006, knees in the water, slipped on a steep slope.

During the fall in the water, she pulled a girlfriend standing on the shore. Guys called for help. A witness helped pull a 14-year-old schoolgirl out of the water. She was hospitalized in a serious condition, she received medical treatment.

– Investigators conducted a review of the scene of the incident, conducted work with participants, eyewitnesses, a set of verification activities. Investigators have noted that the exact cause of the death of the girl would be known from the results of the forensic examination

The United Kingdom has been informed that a check is Also underway on the death of a 14 year old girl. According to the survey, on July 5, a 14-year-old resident of Lida, with her comrades, without her parents' permission, arrived on board a diesel train to friends who were resting in the camp. Around 1 pm, the children went to the river. Entering the water, the girl fell into a strong current. Despite the fact that the current quickly nailed to shore, and came to the aid of adults, the girl was hospitalized in a serious condition. She died on July 15th.

The panel noted that camp workers did not attach importance to the appearance of foreign children in the territory. They entered the water in a dangerous place, forbidden to swim.

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