Ukrainian boxer Usik defeated Russia's Gassiev and became the absolute world champion in heavyweight | SPORTS.TUT.BY


Ukrainian boxer Alexander Usik won in Moscow by unanimous decision the Russian judge Murat Gbadiev and became the absolute world champion of the heavyweight and the holder of the trophy of Mohammed Ali

World Boxing Series [19659004] The two fighters on the eve of the battle had two belts and did not suffer a single defeat in their professional career. Bookmakers have rated their chances as absolutely equal.

Usik used a more aggressive style, trying to exhaust Gbadiev. He often beat and moved more actively. The Ossetians also hoped for their powerful blow, but the defender was perfectly defending the Ukrainian because the fight allowed almost no mistake.

The closer the end of the fight was, the more Murat Gbadiyev was saved by knockout, because by points he was hopelessly inferior to the opponent. . Unfortunately for him, Usik did not give him a chance. By unanimous decision of the judges, the victory was awarded to the Ukrainian, who became owner of all the belts in the heavyweight category

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