Under the supervision of the police. In Kotovka, there was a children's party which the authorities described as unauthorized.


On Thursday, July 5, a children's party was held in the public park of Kotovka. Due to the fact that the city authorities did not give permission to drive him, people did not have much. The organizers also had to change the planned program. How was the children's party, which the authorities considered an unauthorized event, in our material.

  Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data-x-src =" https: //img.tyt.by/n/zamirovskiy/06/0 /14_kotovka_05072018_zam_tutby_phsl.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" https: // img.tyt.by/720x720s/n/zamirovskiy/06/0/ 14_kotovka_05072018_zam_tutby_phsl.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "zoom-data =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https: //img.tyt.by/720x720s/n/zamirovskiy/06 /0/14_kotovka_05072018_zam_tutby_phsl.jpg "title =" Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/> </p>
<p>  The organizers of the party and the achievement in Kotovka are the "Ecodom" public badociation Similar meetings with local residents They did not spend the first time on these holidays, but local authorities did not allow the holidays with music, games and dances for children, local authorities have not allowed tea and benches. advance notified the administration of the intention to hold the holiday, but they were informed that such an event would be considered unauthorized. </p>
<p>  Nevertheless, at 6 pm the activists came to the square. Certainly, people were few. Local residents have their own conversation, through which they have been informed that there is no authorization for the conduct of the event. </p>
<p>  Three uniformed militiamen and one plainclothesman observed [3] </p>
<p>  <img alt=

Ekodoma Marina tells us the story yvaet that similar activities are not carried out for the first time, they have a full-fledged project on improving the park, which they sell jointly with 'Zelenstroyi. And now activists are faced with the fact that their event is considered unauthorized. It should be noted that, for an agreed holiday, it is necessary to pay for the emergency services and the police who were supposed to be on duty at the site.

– We do not consider this a mbad event. Today, we will do everything, but without music and a program for children. For some reason, this has caused most issues of the administration. "Zelenstroy" was not against the creation of stores, so today we will install them.

 Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY [19659003] Later, animators appeared on the square – Fairy, Crocodile Gena and Tiger – while they entertained the children, the policeman copied the Militants' data,

Another policeman from afar filmed children's competitions, soap bubbles and "rain candy"

Retired Elena came to the park with her daughter and his grandchildren for a walk. When a woman learned that the event was not allowed by the local authorities, she started wanting it again.

– What is forbidden?

Other mothers saw no reason to ban the event and monitor the festival on the square.

Local residents sometimes approached and encouraged the activists, advising them to better lay out the benches and discussed the improvement plan. One of the retirees, considering how the children with the activists drew, said: "Bravo."

The police no longer intervened, and quickly left the park.

The result of "unauthorized collection" "- three new shops on the square

 Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

Recall that many have learned about the existence of the park in 2016, when the site was donated for the construction of the church.a number of Minskers rose to defend Kotovka.The cutting of trees on the future construction site was suspended for the period of nesting of birds

And when at the beginning of December it was renewed, the local militants went out again to defend the place.Nine hours of confrontation with Zelenstroi caused that the mayor of Minsk has suspended the. Logging and promised to find a solution to this problem.Later, it became known that the city authorities decided to preserve the place, and to allocate another place for the construction of the city. At the same time, the Minsk City Executive Committee informally transferred responsibility for the square to its defenders – they were offered to take up the landscaping of Kotovka under their own responsibility. And the first weekend, activists and local residents held a subbotnik

. Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

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