Very unusual. Find out who became your favorite movie and cartoon characters


Independent illustrator Richard Wilkinson of Brighton (UK) has published a series of prints where he has portrayed various famous characters from films and cartoons in the form of beetles, flies and other insects. The author combined the natural disguise with recognizable images – and it came out very unusual and beautiful. He publishes his work on Instagram, he notes the work of "Film Search".


Penny Clown

Nun ("Curse of the Nun")

Jason Voorhees

dark Vador


Star Wars Stormtroopers

Rick Sanchez ("Rick and Morty")

See as well:

What would the Disney characters look like if they lived in the modern world (does not seem impressionable)
"Ralph vs. the Internet" at the Minsk counter


On November 24, in the application "Billboard TUT.BY", a new rally was launched. Each participant had the opportunity to obtain a ticket for two for the concert of the group "Leningrad", to be held on December 1st. A lucky man will receive a ticket for free. The winner will be announced on November 30th.

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