Video In Brest on the Rowing Channel, two jellyfish were captured


Employees of the Brest Regional Center of the Olympic Rowing Reserve were recently found in the rowing channel's water zone, Oleg Golos, public relations specialist for the sport.

Video: Brest Rowing Cbad

to boats and boats. Two employees of the rowing channel were captured and placed in a container filled with water. The jellyfish of Brest are small. The diameter of the umbrella is about three centimeters.

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<figcaption> Photo:</figcaption></figure>
<p>] Nobody believed and could not even imagine that it was true. We thought about the joke of our coaches, "Oleg Golos told TUT.BY. </p>
<p>  How did jellyfish hit the rowing channel? It's a mystery. In the near future, employees of the Olympic Reserve Center plan to show them to specialists </p>
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