VTB called Reuters absurd message about $ 12 billion RAC loan


The Reuters agency looking for conspiracy theories has reached the point of absurdity, said the VTB report: "We immediately explained that it was an error when coding countries. " The bank expressed gratitude to Reuters "for reading the reports so closely."

In a statement, VTB pointed out that he was not conducting any operation with the RAC and had urged journalists not to "produce exaggerated sensations based on technical errors".

VTB provided a $ 12 billion loan to the Central African Republic, which was reported in the bank's statements, but it later described an error, reported Reuters earlier. Most likely, this is an error in the system when coding countries. The agency gave VTB an answer to his request. During a conversation with Reuters, a government spokesman for CAR said he knew nothing about this loan.

VTB will now send the corrected statements to the Central Bank on Wednesday and post them later on the website, the report says.

In November, Reuters wrote for the first time that VTB could grant a loan to Qatar's QIA investment fund for the purchase of Rosneft shares. The agency reported this with reference to ten people. After that, VTB offered a bet to Russian and foreign media: if the information on the QIA loan proved false, the media will have to pay the bank 1 billion rubles each.

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