"We bought a ticket for the bus to Warsaw, it arrived – there are no places." What do you mean?


On June 29, Minsk was leaving for a big weekend. But not everyone was successful, even with pre-purchased tickets on the Busfor service site. For example, there were 10 people without buses in Warsaw. All – with paid trips. Comment by the participants in the conflict

– Our names simply do not appear in the pbadenger lists, – says Julia, who bought 2 tickets for 56 rubles on June 21st. – People bought plane tickets, tours, booked hotels. Started calling Busfor numbers – they said, contact the carrier. Agree, the Interkars office is near. Go ahead all the crowd. They told us that they were aware of the problem. Like, they informed Busfor in advance, and they had to inform us. But no one has received notifications on the mail!

The bus is gone. There are 10 people left. Someone was urgently looking for another way. Julia went home.

– The closest flights were on July 1, so we canceled the reservation for accommodation. They lost money on it, on the return ticket return – only about 100 rubles. Busfor promised to return money for my tickets to Warsaw, she said.

Interkars: "We are not responsible for those who do not process our notifications"

– Yes, we know these complaints, – says in the Minsk office of Interkars. – It is not we who sell tickets beyond the number of seats. There are also platforms that sell our tickets and are connected to our site. Type Busfor or Infobus. Unfortunately, they still do not follow the e-mail with an opinion on the availability of seats . We Busfor, June 20, sent notice that on the 29th in Warsaw there are no empty seats. But they unfortunately did not warn their customers, even for 10 days, of the need to make a comeback. From Warsaw, the same thing happens.

Busfor: "We remind you that we are trying to help you"

Julia's ticketing service response is both funny and frustrating.

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