what do we know about mentoring Thai children?


The story of the players stuck in the Thai cave and their coach has ended well – the 12 teenagers and their 25-year-old mentor have been brought to the surface, their lives are more threatened. The Russian service of the BBC tells that Ekapol Chantavong is the only adult of a group stuck underground, who is called a real hero.

  Photo: Facebook "border =" 0 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 405 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https://img.tyt.by/n/0d/a/detskaya_futbolnaya_komanda_tailand. jpg "title =" Photo: Facebook "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Photo: Facebook </figcaption></figure>
<p>  The rescue operation began on July 8. Rescuers had a choice – to start rescuing the children as early as possible, until the weather deteriorated, or wait until the end of the rainy season. The boys had been in the cave since June 23rd. </p>
<p>  They were found by British divers on July 2nd. More than a week, they were in complete darkness, with a minimum of water and food and without the hot things. It is possible that it was thanks to the leader of the group that the children could survive in a flooded cave. </p>
<p>  A close friend of several rescued teenagers <strong> Outtabad Hamhang </strong> called the 25-year old Ekapol Chantavong a true hero. He was training himself in the Ake team – how much people call Chantavong. </p>
<p>  "I love Ake, I trust him completely, he is the person who cares about all children. They are all heroes, because they have survived, but the greatest hero is the coach. I have no doubt that he did everything possible to keep the children alive in the cave. "</p>
<p>" I'm worried that [футболисты и тренеры] is blaming himself for what happened, and most of all I'm worried for him. I hope to see them as soon as possible, and I want them to remain in force so that we can play football, "adds the teenager. </p>
<p>  The parents of the boys themselves have asked not to reproach the coach for being stuck in the cave In handwritten letters sent to children with rescuers, they also turned to Chantavong and asked him not to consider himself guilty </p>
<p>  <em> "Ake, is the mother of Titan. Be strong. Take care of yourself. The big sister is also waiting for you at the entrance of the cave. Please, get out the kids "</em> says one of the notes. </p>
<p>  The coach himself asked for forgiveness. <em>" All parents – with the guys, d & # 39; 39; agreement. They have everything they need, they are treated well. And I promise to take care of children as much as possible. Thank you to everyone who came to the rescue. I apologize with all my heart to my parents "</em>," he writes. </p>
<p>  The coach was, of course, criticized for driving the children into the cave for an excursion during the torrential rain season. In addition, before the entrance to the cave, a huge sign warns of danger. </p>
<p>  However, for many Thais, the former monk Chantavong became almost a manifestation of the divine gear sent from above to help the children in their problems. The Thai shared in social networks a photograph in which the coach sits sitting in meditation in a lotus posture and holding 12 wild pigs (that's the name of the teenage football team – wild boars) </p>
<p>. – partly because he gave food and water to his children. He also taught them to meditate and conserve energy. </p>
<p>  "If it was not there, what would have happened to my child?", Said a mother of one of the children in an interview with a television channel Thai. "When he goes out, we all need to heal his heart … My dear Ake, I will never accuse you." </p>
<p>  According to his friends, Chantavong lost his parents when he was 10 years old. Then he became a monk, but was forced to leave the monastery to take care of his sick grandmother in Chiang Rai Province. There, he worked at the local monastery, and was also an badistant coach of the local youth football team. </p>
<p>  "He loves them more than himself," said his close friend <strong> Joy Hampai </strong>. "He does not drink, he does not smoke." He is a person who can take care of himself, and he taught the children the same thing. "</p>
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