What we know about Belorussians, that Ukrainian special services called mercenaries


The Security Service of Ukraine said it had identified and identified the identity of 206 mercenaries of the Russian PMC Wagner who had taken part in the military operations in Syria in February this year. It is alleged that among them – 11 Belorussians, the names and photos of the six Ukrainian Chekists made public. TUT.BY discovered who he was talking about

  Illustration: Security Service of Ukraine
Illustration: Security Service of Ukraine

Ruslan Bobinin

In the list of SBU 51-year-old Minsker is mentioned Ruslan Bobinin . Service indicates, the same person in 2003 flashed in the plot of the channel "Russia 1" on the fighters of the French Foreign Legion. The journalists called him one of the "Russian legionnaires".

  A screen shot of the TV program
A screen shot of the show "Special Reporter" on "Russia 1"

"Here you can meet with a d & rd; former students, bankers, policemen, bandits, let's say guys from the brotherhood – it's all there, and economic and other conditions … Again, everyone has their own reason to be in this office, let's say. …) There is no interest in anyone's past, you came and you worked, "says the man.

At that time, the man served in the Legion for 6 years, according to him, as a driver in the engineering troops. But he was soon to change jobs and share his dream: buy a minibus and transport tourists along the Cote d 'Azur. About the love of France, he reasoned thus:

"There is a French legion – hence, in France, it is necessary. would go to England, would be an American – would go to America, would be Spanish, now there is such, would go to Spain.If people are the only way to make a living, tear their family out of economic problems.And the question of He likes France [человек] or not … will worship if he wants it. "

A military comrade of the same name is recalled by the 1991 graduates of the Ecole Supérieure d'Or. 39 Military Aviation and Politics of the city of Kurgan (Russia). They mentioned that Ruslan Bobinin of the fourth company (they also called Bob) moved to France and serves in the Legion. Apparently, it's the same person.

In social networks, there are several pages of Ruslan Bobinin (the same person from the plot); birth date and education are the same. There, he said that he lives in Paris, and since 2006, he works as a contractor in the field of tourism. Most friends and photos come from France, although he reported a few weeks ago his stay in Russia.

  Photo taken from Ruslan Bobinin's page on social networks
The picture was taken from Ruslan Bobinin's page in social networks

In 2000, the same man was looking for a man who learned Teletext the French legion of his half-brother. I mentioned that Ruslan himself was born in Grozny in 1967 (the date coincides), then the family lived in Almaty (Kazakhstan), and later his brother moved with his mother to Belarus. According to other data, the woman still lives in one of the Belarusian regional centers.

Neither Bobinin nor his mother responded to TUT.BY messages on the social network.

Edward Davydov

In the list of the SBU – 27 – Old-born of the city of Ivanovo Edward Davydov . According to the Ukrainian portal "Peacemaker", Edward Davydov – "a Belarussian mercenary, participated in military operations in Ukraine, a member of the Russian PMC (private military company)." However, the special services have not provided any evidence of his participation in the fighting in Syria.

  Photo: vk.com/id71751850 "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 472 "data-x-src =" https: // img.tyt.by / n / regiony / 06/1 / ivanovo_chvk_vagner_2018_1.jpg "data-x-width =" 768 "data-y-height =" 442 "data-y-src =" https: //img.tyt. by / 720x720s / n / regiony / 06/1 / ivanovo_chvk_vagner_2018_1.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 443 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https: // img .tyt.by / 720x720s / n / regiony / 06 / / ivanovo_chvk_vagner_2018_1.jpg "title =" Photo: vk.com/id71751850 "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Edward Davydov. Photo: vk.com/id71751850[19659006CommelesamisdeDavydovl&#39;ontditàTUTBYl&#39;imagepubliéeparleSBUnemontrepasEdwardDavydovDanslaphoto-sonamid&#39;écoleAnatolydelaclbadeparallèleSurlapaged&#39;EdwarddanslesréseauxsociauxvouspouveztrouverlaphotographieoriginalequelaSBUautiliséepoursesgraphiquesDanslemêmetempslabonneimaged&#39;EdwardDavydovestutiliséesurlesitedu"Peacemaker"</p>
<figure clbad= Photo: vk.com/id71751850 "border =" 0 " data-x-height = "576" data-x-src = "https: // img .tyt.by / n / regiony / 0a / e / ivanovo_chvk_vagner_2018_2.jpg" data-x-width = "768" data-y -height = "540" data-y-src = "https: //img.tyt. by / 720x720s / n / region / 0a / e / ivanovo_chvk_vagner_2018_2.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 540 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https: // img .tyt.by / 720x720s / n / regiony / 0a / e / ivanovo_chvk_vagner_2018_2.jpg "title =" Picture: vk.com/id71751850 "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Original photo of comrade Edward Davydov Anatoly, from where the SBU cut out a photo for his slide. Photo: VKontakte </figcaption></figure>
<figure clbad=  Photos: vk.com/id71751850
Edward Davydov (left photo) and his friend Anatoly. Photo: VKontakte

Edward Davydov was born and raised in Ivanovo, graduated from the local high school in 2008.

– He was raised by his mother, – Yuri told his friend orphaned, he had no brothers or sisters.

After school, Edward joined the army. The service took place in Slonim. Former colleagues are commenting on it positively.

– Positive Nihilist, – said a former colleague Maxim .

After the army, Edward went to Russia to work "on building shabags". Periodically, he came to his homeland to his friends. According to some knowledge, Davydov came for the last time to his native country about four months ago

. Friends characterize him as an "adequate" and "quiet" person. The news of his involvement in the Wagner PMC, the war in Syria, or the conflict in eastern Ukraine, they took with surprise.

– He could not be there, – Davidov's friend Alexander . Sotssety city of residence indicated Moscow. The last message is dated March 2013. In the albums there are pictures of the service, work and meetings with friends. Depending on the phones specified in the profile, it could not be contacted. The Russian phone at first did not respond, then it turned out to be "blocked", and the Belarusian house number "can not be called temporarily."

Sergei Sazanov

In Sergei Sazanov of Rechitsa taught us the hero of our publication.

  Photo: Ivan Jarivanovic, TUT.BY "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 798 "data-x-src =" https://img.tyt.by/n/regiony/06/9 /1_4_yarivanovich_rechica_voditel_sazonov_lishili_voditelskogo_udostovereniya.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-height =" 478 "data-y-src =" https://img.tyt.by/720x720s/n/regiony/06/9/ 1_4_yarivanovich_rechica_voditel_sazonov_lishili_voditelskogo_udostovereniya.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "zoom-data =" 1 "height =" 479 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https://img.tyt.by/720x720s/n/regiony/06 / 9 / 1_4_yarivanovich_rechica_voditel_sazonov_lishili_voditelskogo_u dostovereniya.jpg "title =" Photo: Ivan Jarivanovic, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Sergei Sazanov. Photo: Ivan Jarivanovic, TUT.BY </figcaption></figure>
<p>  In early 2016, we were approached by a friend of Sergei. "He is a very good and decent person, and he has absolutely no one to help.Only he will not prove anything", – said the woman. </p>
<p>  The man told his story, which began in 2015. Ford, at whose wheel was Sergei, arrested the inspector of the traffic police. The employee invited the driver to breathe in the breathalyzer. Since the man did not doubt the adequacy of his condition, he accepted without hesitation. The device had to display 0.0 ppm. But the inspectors decided to take Sergei to the narcological examination. There, a man pbaded blood and urine tests and the same day went to Rostov for business. And when two months later he discovered that he was being deprived of his driver's license, traces of psychotropic substances were found in his urine. It turned out that they could leave Corvalol, two days before Sergei took it … </p>
<p>  A man with the results of the examination was not d & # 39; agreement and tried to prove its veracity in court. By the way, he did not prove it. </p>
<p>  Sazanov is a former militiaman. During the service, he repeatedly received the title "The Best Militia Officer", uncovered dozens of criminal cases, personally personally detained particularly dangerous members of criminal groups in the 1990s. Newspapers wrote about this several times – here he saved a man from a fire, here – shot a girl running down the water, then – three other people … But after 17 years of service, Sergei has suddenly left all the bodies. He says he "did not want to be in the system anymore." </p>
<p>  Then strange events began to occur in the fate of the former police officer. Details Sazanov did not say. He only said one thing: a real bait would have been committed against him in his hometown of Rechitsa, supposedly he could not even find work. </p>
<p>  This was told to us two years later by his knowledge. . Everyone does not like this truth. Here, someone did not say what he wanted to hear and rushed. He was just harbaded. In Rechitsa, I have not found a job for a long time. I know that I went to Russia and where he is unknown, "said the man to TUT.BY under the guise of anonymity. </p>
<p>  Sergei Sazanov has a page in the social network, but it does not Has not been updated for several years Vadim Yushkevich and Konstantin Girs </h2>
<p>  Judging by social networks, <strong> Vadim Yushkevich </strong> aged 37, he graduated from the University of Novopolotsk School, Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of Belarus </p>
<p>  <img fetchpriority=

Vadim is athletic, he is interested in football, hockey, extreme sports.L & # 39; 39, one of the games that Vadim has installed in the social network – "Conflict. The art of war. "One of the groups of which he is a member is Police.rb (Service in the Forces of the Order).

However, he was last in social networks several years ago.

A man is registered on a Russian dating site he lives in Donetsk, Ukraine

aged 32 Konstantin Girs served in the army in airborne forces On the personal page of the social network , there are many videos dedicated to this kind of troops, as well as hand-to-hand fights.

  Photo: vk.com
Konstantin Girs uploaded this photo to the social network in 2015. Photo : vk.com

Was an individual entrepreneur.As intellectual property, it was registered in Novopolotsk.In February 2016, the structure was in liquidation .The entrepreneurial activity did not been carried out for 12 consecutive months.

A person who answers in the r The article that was published earlier on the portal, he commented: "Next time, please post only verified information."

Information on Alexander Stupnitsk was not found.

According to the SBU, at the end of 2017, the KGB was transferred only information about Wagner's PMC about 5 citizens of Belarus, now – information about 6 people. But in addition, the Belarussian side has received information about people taking part in illegal armed formations in Donbbad territory.

In Belarus, mercenarism is punishable by law. Article 133 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus states:

"Participation in the territory of a foreign state in armed conflict, military actions of a person not part of the armed forces belligerents and acting to obtain material compensation without the authority of the state. (mercenarism) – is liable to imprisonment of 3 to 7 years with confiscation of property or without confiscation. "

In 2016, the Penal Code was pbaded the editions that allow to hold accountable the Belarusians fighting in the territory of another state, even" without the presence of a mercenary component "- the so-called ideological mercenaries

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