"What's in it?" Without video! Video: Special Forces arrested five drug traffickers, seized over one kilogram of psychotropic drugs and $ 10,000


"We are talking about a group of people involved in drug trafficking on the Internet, and the removal of the particularly dangerous psychotropic drug distribution channel to the territory of the Republic of Belarus from the Russian Federation. At the same time, the group was engaged in the distribution of large quantities of psychotropic drugs and was working with smaller traders, " – told the police

The last stage of the operation was badociated with the progressive detention of five people. resident in the Minsk region, and on June 28 at 15:00, a 26-year-old Ipeshnik. In the caches near the villages of Bakhmetovka and Nelidovichi and in the local community building, the first of the detainees, accomplices stored for the sale of an alpha psychoactive substance. -PVP commonly As part of new measures, more than 16,000 Belarusian rubles, $ 10,000, scales, packaging material, a BMW 318 car and a Hyundai Tiburon car were confiscated from the detainees

. 328 part 3 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus.

On June 29 at 11:55 am, a 26-year-old unemployed person from Smolevichi was detained in a forest belt near the village of Vishnevka. He found 50 g of alpha-PVP psychotropic substances

On 30 June at 15:40, two citizens of Minsk – 37 years unemployed and 26 years old, foreman of one of the construction organizations – were detained in the forest near the same village. 100 g of alpha-PVP are eliminated. In the case of the last three, criminal proceedings have also been instituted against illicit drug trafficking.

The detained trio is the next link in the sales chain. Their function is to prepare "goods" directly to merchants who sell doses to consumers. Resident Smolevichi was guided in the spread to the city of Borisov and the city of Zhodino, both Minskers – to the capital. Communication, batch transmission of psychotropic drugs, calculations performed exclusively without contact. The links in the chain did not know each other personally or, of course, according to the pbadport data.

– 1352 grams – that's a lot. At black market prices, the alpha-PVP gram costs about a hundred rubles. In other words, the "goods" were confiscated for 135,200 rubles. It's a rough recount, but still a lot. Ipeshnik, 26, who wanted to start this business, worked as an ordinary "miner" in the Minsk and Gomel regions, said the Minsk Regional Department of the Interior


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