when Chemataka in the Syrian city Douma used chlorine


Experts from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) discovered traces of chlorine in samples taken from the area of ​​the Syrian city of the Duma. This is stated in the preliminary report of the Mission on the Establishment of the Facts of the Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria (MUFS), distributed on Friday.

  Photo: Reuters "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 1000 "data-x-src =" https://img.tyt.by/n/reuters/04/2/3idlib_gazovaya_ataka_siriya_apr2017_reyter.jpg " data-x-width = "1500" data-y-height = "480" data-y-src = "https: // img.tyt.by/720x720s/n/reuters/04/2/3idlib_gazovaya_ataka_siriya_apr2017_reyter.jpg" data -y-width = "720" zoom-data = "1" height = "480" hspace = "0" src = "https: //img.tyt.by/720x720s/n/reuters/04/2/3idlib_gazovaya_ataka_siriya_apr2017_reyter. jpg "title =" Photo: Reuters "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Photo: Reuters </figcaption></figure>
<p>  "The results [анализа] showed the absence of traces of neurotoxic agents or products of their disintegration in samples of the environment or blood plasma collected about the alleged victims, "says the document. "However, organic substances containing chlorine were found in samples taken at two locations." Currently, the group of experts "is working to establish the significance of these results" and intends to present the final results of its work. </p>
<p>  In addition, MUFS has prepared a report on two possible cases of use of chemical weapons near the city of Al-Hamadaniya. the year and the district of Karm at-Tarrab on 13 November 2016. "Based on information received, interviews and laboratory badyzes, the MUFS was unable to determine if a chemical was used as a chemical weapon in these incidents, "says the document. According to experts, "people affected in some cases could be exposed to some kind of unstable irritant". Both reports are distributed to OPCW members and sent to the United Nations Security Council. </p>
<p>  Reports on the application of chemical weapons to the Syrian city on April 7 were distributed by a number of NGOs, including White Helmets. Representatives of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Parties to the Conflict conducted an investigation on the Duma town on April 9, but found no trace of the use of chemical weapons there . A day later, the OPCW decided to send its experts to Syria to check reports on the possible use of chemical weapons. </p>
<p>  OPCW inspectors arrived in Damascus on April 14th. A few hours ago, the United States, Britain and France, using information about the incident as an excuse, without a sanction from the UN Security Council, dealt a mbadive blow to Syria. According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Damascus Research Center, the Republican Guard headquarters, the air defense base (air defense), several military airfields and army warehouses were attacked. As reported by the Russian Ministry of Defense, the attack lasted from 3:42 to 5:10 local time (coincides with Moscow), the 103 missiles launched by the Syrian missiles shot down 71, three civilians wounded. </p>
<p>  Specialists completed their activities in Syria in early May. After that, the samples taken were sent to The Hague and then sent for badysis to the accredited laboratories of the OPCW. The conclusions of the expert are based on the badysis, the information received from the witnesses and other data collected </p>
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