"When they treated people, if such bribe takers?" Doctors Vitebsk – on the detention of the chief doctor of the regional hospital


Anatoly Oladko, chief medical officer of the Vitebsk Regional Hospital, was arrested because he was suspected of corruption . A criminal case was brought against a doctor. According to the KGB, he is one of 60 extras in the criminal case on corruption in Belarusian health care.

Anatoly Oladko. Photo: Igor Matveyev, TUT.BY

Doctors Vitebsk: "They learned about the detention of Oladko last week"

From the conversation about the detention of Chief Medical Officer Anatoly Oladko, doctors leave under different pretexts. But under the guise of anonymity, several hospital employees still agreed to speak with TUT.BY.

– We learned that Anatoly Anatolyevich was arrested last week. There were different rumors about the hospital … But he is guilty of something or not, I do not know. We are small people … Our Chief Medical Officer is not seen every day.

– I do not believe that Oladko is involved in some kind of financial fraud. This is a professional doctor, a good person. I think everything will be settled and released.

Well, they were detained and detained … There is nothing particularly terrible about this. How to hold – and can release. How many were there already, when the chiefs were suspected of something, and then they were dealing with merits? The person will go back to work and everything will go as before. As you can see, we go to work, we treat people, the work process does not stop.

– Oladko was found under a sort of "raking" of the general rink. Every day, I am on the Internet for news of detentions of top doctors. This "sweep" has already been dubbed the "case of doctors", as in 1937. It's ridiculous and scary. And do not get into your head: is it really thieves, corrupt officials, criminals in Belarusian medicine? The question is: how do they have all this time, before the detentions, look after and save people, write scientific books, introduce innovations in medicine? And in general they wore white dressing gowns? .. When they had all that to do, are they such bribes?

In an interview TUT.BY Anatoli Oladko noted that the profession of doctor requires not only knowledge and experience, but spirituality:

– There are our difficulties here: night service , large physical and moral loads, many services run 24 hours a day, heavy patients are brought to us … This requires professionalism and high moral qualities on the part of the staff. 60 extras

KGB detained, in detention He also applied other preventive measures against 37 officials, and more than 60 people in the criminal case against health workers.

"All have repeatedly received illegal monetary compensation to provide badistance for the provision of medical equipment and drugs at inflated prices, which is confirmed by the results of long-term operational research activities, testimonials witnesses and defendants themselves, as well as the results of the searches and seizures, "- l July 11, the president of the KGB Valery Vakulchik .

Chief Medical Officer of VOKB – Deputy of the Regional Council

Anatoly Oladko – 53 years old. In 1987, he graduated from the Vitebsk Medical Institute, specializing in "medical business". He was an intern at the Regional Clinical Hospital, then he taught at Mogilev Medical College. Since 1989, Oladko has worked as a surgeon in the Vitebsk Polyclinic named Kalinin. In 1991, he moved to the regional hospital clinic.

In 2000, Anatoly Oladko became the chief medical officer of the Vitebsk Branch Special Clinic of the Clinical Institute for Research in Radiological Medicine and Endocrinology. In 2002, he finished his studies in clinical residency at the Vitebsk Medical University, with specialization in surgery, and became a year later head physician of his clinic

The Oladko Regional Clinical Hospital operates since 8 years since 2010.

Anatoly Oladko deputies elected to the regional council. In the last elections, he declared the income for 2016 of nearly 92.9 thousand rubles, of which 62 thousand rubles were earned from the sale of the apartment, according to "People's News of Vitebsk" .

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