Who Liked Vladimir Mayakovsky


July 19 marks the 125th anniversary of the birth of the great futurist, poet, playwright and many others: Vladimir Mayakovsky. And in life he was no less versatile than in his work: he was inspired by a very different muse.

  Vladimir Mayakovsky. Photo: Wikipedia "border =" 0 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 498 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https://img.tyt.by/n/kultura/06/7/vladimir_mayakovskiy.png "title =" Vladimir Mayakovsky. Photo: Wikipedia "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Vladimir Mayakovsky. Photo: Wikipedia </figcaption></figure>
<p>  Name <strong> Mayakovsky </strong> is inextricably linked to the revolution, to the construction of a new world, to strange "scale" and to memorable posters. His works were memorized by heart, from which the children learned what was good and what was bad. But himself for his short – incomplete thirty-seven – life did not understand love. He had many novels, illegitimate children that he almost never saw. And in the suicide note he asked only not to blame anyone for his death and not to commit, because "the deceased did not like him terribly". About the one Mayakovsky still loved – in A & F material. </p>
<h2>  "Tonight it was decided – not to turn us into a lover?" </h2>
<p><em>  ("Attitude to the Girl", 1920) </em></p>
<figure clbad=  Elizabeth Lavinskaya. Image: eg.ru
Elizaveta Lavinskaya. Image: eg.ru

While working in the "Windows of GROWTH" in 1920, Mayakovsky got to know the artist Elizaveta Lavinskaya . She was married to the sculptor Anton Lavinsky, who ten years after the poet's suicide, made for his futuristic iron funeral coffin. And Lavinsky, apparently, knew the intimate relationship between Mayakovsky and his wife, but the boy who was born in 1921 was recording under his name. It is true that the name of the woman has never been accepted. This story was not universally known, although many noted the similarity of Gleb-Nikita Lavinsky to Mayakovsky. He himself followed the footsteps of his adoptive father, after the war, graduated from the Surikov Institute and never sounded the kinship with the famous poet. All this became known after the release of the documentary "The Third Extra", that the first channel turned to the 120th anniversary of Mayakovsky

Five women will change during the day "

(" Love ", 1926) [19659011] Roman with Elli Jones # Mayakovsky did not advertise: https://t.co/i43NuaCzuO pic.twitter.com/7N59pEgGH4

– The Museum of V Mayakovsky (@museum_mayak) February 17, 2015

Also an accidental acquaintance, an accidental romance and a child adopted by Mayakovsky's husband of the Pbadion. Elizabeth Siebert the poet s. was reunited in 1925 during a trip to the United States, she was the interpreter and – judging by the consequences – a mistress.

  Helen Patricia Thompson, daughter of Vladimir Mayakovsky Photo: Wikipedia [19659015] Helen Patricia Thompson, daughter of Vladimir Mayakovsky Photo: Wikipedia </figcaption></figure>
<p>  The ex-ma Siebert (she lived in America under the name <strong> Ally Jones </strong>) was nobly listed as the father of the child, but Mayakovsky did not deny this connection. He even went to France to see his two-year-old daughter. True, nothing beyond that could offer or did not want to. The truth about the origin of <strong> Helen Patricia Thompson </strong> was opened only after the death of her mother and stepfather, herself lived ninety years and died in 2016 </p>
<h2>  (Lilechka, 1916) </em></p>
<figure clbad=  Vladimir Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik. 1915 year. Photo: Wikipedia
Vladimir Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik. 1915 year. Photo: Wikipedia

Lilia Brik is often called Mayakovsky's muse, but overall, the complexity of the relationship between the two Brik and the poet is almost indescribable. They met before the revolution in 1913. Then the Briks thought of no poetry, engaged in business, and it is unlikely that Mayakovsky (who recently served in prison for political affairs), who wrote poems understandable, made a strong impression on social entrepreneurs. But as a result of their relationship continued until the death of the poet and were very contradictory, they were not even simplified by Lily's divorce and Osip in 1925. [19659004] I am forever hurt "

(" Letter to comrade Kostrov of Paris on the nature of love ", 1928)

Photo: mayakovskij.ru

Mayakovsky's encounter with Tatyana Yakovleva was preceded by several circumstances: they met in Paris. from Nice, where Elizabeth Siebert brought her daughter, was going back to the USSR. A woman with a 22-year-old Russian emigrant

The meeting itself seemed to have been arranged [byElsaTribal Elsa Triole sister of Lily Brick, who not only brought it with the Briks, d & rsquo; Other novels of Mayakovsky But in any case, the poet fell in love again, and seriously: his feelings he splashed in "Letter to comrade Kostrov of Paris …" and "Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva." The latter, however, did not hit the press during Mayakovsky's life and was published only after 26 years. "Come here, go to the crossroads of my big, clumsy hands" – Mayakovsky called Yakovlev in the USSR, but she refused. "

" Oh, how many women "

(" The Last Scream ", 1925)

 ] Veronika Polonskaya Photo: Wikipedia
Veronika Polonskaya Photo: Wikipedia

The actress Veronica Polonskaya is called Mayakovsky's last love, and in principle, unless, of course, her incomprehensible connections with Lily Brik are taken into account.

Their love story is, perhaps, typical of the poet.It was 21 years old, she was married to the actor Mikhail Yanshin, starred on the stage of the Theater. Moscow art They met in 1929, the turbulent romance did not turn into something more: Polonskaya did not seek to abandon her husband, and Mayakovsky did not insisted

They did not separate in the common sense of the word: to have completed all his earthly affairs. "Your word, comrade Mauser."

Polonskay did not attend the funeral of the poet: in subsequent interviews, she said that she was accused of this tragedy, and that she did not want to scandal

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