why all the talk about the fact that "the man is a wolf man" is not true


The human species is monstrously altruistic, says the most categorical psychologist Pavel Zygmantovich. All that is said about "the wolf man" is not true. Altruism is an act in his favor without personal gain. A person feels pleasure when she helps others.

Photo: pixabay.com
Photo: pixabay.com

Connecting to the player live on Wednesday, November 28 at 17h on TUT.BY, you will learn even more!

  • why all that is said about the fact that "the man is a wolf for the man" is not true;
  • what is done to believe a person so as to become capable of killing another (for example, in a war);
  • what to do so that your help is guaranteed in case of emergency on the street (or you yourself have found that someone was feeling bad, but no one is in a hurry to help him );
  • why, by helping others (by volunteering or transferring money to a charity), we feel better and more meaningful
  • can you teach compbadion?
  • why it is important for us to thank for the help and uncomfortable, if the gratitude is not accepted;
  • When we are accused of egoism, what are we really accused of – what fears and what unmet needs are in the prosecutor that he does not decide to call directly?

Answers to these questions and many others are included in the Psychology of Purchase program with psychologist Pavel Zygmantovich and journalist Olga Kakshinskaya. I see you live!

The broadcast will be available on the YouTube channel TUT.BY and on the Facebook page.

Contact with the author: Facebook, VKontakte, YouTube.

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