Why did Israel adopt a law on the national Jewish state? Answers to the main questions


The Israeli Knesset on Thursday pbaded a controversial law declaring Israel a national Jewish state. The law provoked outrage from the Arab minority, which represents about 20 percent of the country's population.

"By this law we have defined the basic principles of our existence," said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "Israel is a national state of the Jewish people, respecting the rights of all its inhabitants."

However, the document approved by the Knesset entitled "The Basic Law: Israel – National State of the Jewish People" threatens to further divide Israeli society, which the Arab minority has long accused the authorities

The Right to Freedom Self-determination:

The law defines Israel as the historic homeland of the Jews and their "national home" in which they realize their own The right to self-determination in Israel, according to the law, belongs exclusively to the Jewish people.

Symbols and Capital:

The law declares Jerusalem as the sole and indivisible capital of Israel and legally secures the already existing Jewish symbols of the state. holidays. The status of Jerusalem in this law incorporates the provisions of the Basic Law on Jerusalem pbaded by the Knesset in 1980 as the sole and indivisible capital of the state of Israel.


The official language of Israel is Hebrew. Arabic is no longer a state language, but a special status is granted to it.

The law notes that the rights of the Arabic language that existed before the adoption of the law will not be violated, but the practical consequences of lowering its status are not yet clear. Its application will be governed by a separate law.

Israeli Colonies:

The law declares the construction of Jewish settlements "national worth" and sets the need for their creation and development. The law has adopted a compromise version of the article on regulations. Certain provisions considered discriminatory towards the Arab population have been withdrawn.

Nevertheless, the wording is rather vague. In particular, it is not known whether the provisions of the law apply to settlements in the West Bank occupied by Israel.

Why is this law necessary?

Israel was created from the beginning as a national Jewish state and this status was criticized from the earliest days. . However, until now, it has not been enshrined in a special law, with the exception of certain provisions of the Declaration on the Independence of Israel.

In Israel, the fundamental principles of the creation of a Jewish state are threatened and eroded in the future. since the very principle of the nation-state in the modern world is increasingly perceived as an anachronism that does not correspond to universal human rights.

These fears are aggravated by fears of high birth rates in all countries. Israeli Arabs and alternative scenarios to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that could challenge the authority of the Jewish majority in Israel and, therefore, the very foundations of the state.

All this led to consolidating the Jewish national character of the state of Israel. Why is the law pbaded now?

Comment by Knessia Svetlova, member of the Knesset:

This law has been debated since 2011, when Benyamin Netanyahu was also Prime Minister of Israel. Then he objected to the adoption of such a law, fearing a negative international reaction and considering that the moment of its adoption has not yet come.

This law is primarily of a declarative nature. In my opinion, there were political reasons to accept it: last month, we feel a strong smell of elections

The Knesset leaves for the summer holidays and the prime minister can dissolve the government in the fall, then new elections in February-March. Perhaps by adopting this law, Netanyahu wants to show that it is him, not the other right-wing politicians, who represents the interests of the conservative wing.

Netanyahu wants to show that it is he who defines the conservative agenda in Israel

Palestinian-Israeli negotiations

Negotiations on a peaceful settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have not taken place since 2014. The attempts of US President Barack Obama at the time do not help to relaunch this process, and the current Israeli authorities do not see any opportunity to sit at the table. negotiations.

Therefore, the nationalist statements of the new law will probably not change anything in the near future. foreseeable future. However, the status of Israel as a national Jewish state has always been a stumbling block in negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

Benyamin Netanyahu has repeatedly stated that the Palestinians' refusal to recognize the national Jewish state is the main obstacle to peace and evidence. recognize the very right of Israel to exist.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said the Palestinians had recognized Israel for a long time, but they would never agree to recognize it. as a National Jewish State

The Situation of the Arab Minority in Israel

"This law has a declarative character, and what is important is not that that is written there, but what is not there, – said the Knesset MP of the opposition Ksenia Svetlova – There is no word "equality" in it. all my questions to the deputies of the ruling coalition on why I did not get an answer. "

The law has an enormous symbolic meaning, and, according to the Arab minority in Israel, bears witness to the violation of its laws. rights. The Arab member of the Knesset, Ayman Uda, called it "the law of Jewish supremacy," which turned Arabs into second-clbad citizens.

Israeli Arabs, many of whom call themselves Palestinians, make up about 20% of the country's population. According to Israeli law, they have equal rights with the Jews. Nevertheless, they claim to be discriminated against in areas such as education, health and housing.

Israeli Arabs fear that the adoption of the law will only confirm this stratification.

  Photo: Reuters
The law threatens to further divide Israeli society, which the Arab minority has long accused the authorities of discrimination. Photo: Reuters

The law and the political situation in Israel

Under the conditions of the likely approach of the elections the political pressure of the far-right parties with the adoption of this law can increase. Lately, the influence of conservative religious circles has increased in Israel.

At the same time, religious parties were not enthusiastic about the adoption of a new fundamental law since they viewed the secular right as a whole negatively

"The law fundamental: Israel – the national state of the Jewish people "is constitutional by its status, although there is no Constitution in Israel.

This means that it can not be challenged in court, and changes can be made by the Knesset through the adoption of another basic law.

This is the 14th fundamental law adopted in the history of Israel. These laws are usually adopted on the basic issues of the state system of the country. The first law of the land was the Declaration of Independence of Israel, adopted in 1948.

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