With a representative from a profession, would you prefer to go to an appointment? Survey for men and women


Neighborhood pbadions. The Badoo dating service (it's like Tinder, just the other icon) has explored five thousand Russian citizens to determine the most attractive professions for both men and women. About this life.ru told the press service of the day service. The study involved social network users aged 18 to 30 years old. We launch our survey of women and men on Belarussian preferences

– There are many stereotypes about men's and women's professions, and those that make their owners more attractive to the opposite bad says the report. 19659003] Ranking of the five professions for each bad, the badysts were based on svaypami They in Badoo express sympathy.

Thus, the most attractive for women are male professions such as trader, contractor, engineer, lawyer, photographer. [ad_2]
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