"With this uncle, we have a secret." The story of how the carpenters of a children's garden were accused of debauchery


There is a lot of "but" and "but" in this story. In short: the carpenter of the kindergarten, a man of 66 years, was accused of exhibitionism at the workplace. True, from the evidence – only the words of two children and a controversial fact: the employee treated the children to candy. Now, law enforcement agencies have resumed the investigation in this case, the children's mothers insist that the carpenter is guilty, and the man himself is unemployed for the fourth month and intends to sue women. The conclusions of this story will be made by each individual, and we will present only the versions of both sides.

"My uncle took off his pants and played in the circus"

It all started at the end of March. Victoria drove her daughter to a children's garden, and already on her territory the girl saw a man and said: "It's uncle Kolya."

– I started asking my daughter who she is and how she knows him – says mom. – The child replied: "It's my uncle, he plays with us." I ask, "How does he play with you?" He answers: "He plays circus, sometimes he takes toys". I asked directly: "Did he take off his pants when he was playing?" The girl replied, "Yes, I shot her." I took her to the group and asked the teacher who was this person. She replied that it is a carpenter, he comes periodically and brings sweets to the children.

I told a group of parents in Viber what I had heard from my daughter, and asked if any other children had such "secrets". They attacked me there, I was sick and I asked the child what it was all about. I sit down and wait – no one answers. And in the evening, a mother answered and promised to ask her son.

Elena did not get along with Elena at first. Women spoke cool and now do not hide that they do not like it. But after the story with the carpenter, everything changed.

– I was always on the side of educators and carpenters – says Elena. – Do you like sweets? Well, what's wrong with that? Once, my son and I were walking down the street, and suddenly he fell from home and ran to a man. He said, "Mother, do not worry, we are friends, I work as a carpenter in kindergarten." He looks very dignified. Immediately clear that the former officer. Preppy always, well said, do not drink. I was not against it and I always defended everyone in the kindergarten. Until this story.

But after telling Vic, I decided to ask my son. He said that he had a secret with Uncle Kolya, but it can not be said to anyone, under the fear that Santa Claus will not bring any gifts. I explained that he should not have any secrets from his mother, but he still has not said anything. But when I went to bed, I decided to tell you. According to him, the game was that "my uncle took off his pants and played with his bad, sometimes doing it with toys, putting them on his hands." I clarified: "Maybe he just changed his clothes?" But the son responded with confidence that no, it was exactly as he says. I remember that my hair began to stir. The son goes to a circle on physical education. And teachers have said that when children are raised in a group, they leave him alone at the gym. As I was told, it's literally five minutes. But I'm sure it's more. The son said that he was alone in the gym and played. And then my uncle came in and said, "Do you want me to show you a secret?" But only this will be our secret. If you tell me, Santa will not give you a present. "" Then he undressed and showed me a bad, and then I ran to the group to call other children, so that they also see this secret. When the kids went back to the gym, my uncle was no longer there. "

– My daughter also described the" games "with her uncle in more detail in the evening ," says Victoria. – We wrote off Lena, everyone discussed it and went to the Moscow Police Department in the morning. The investigator who accepted the statement warned that the examination would be more harmful than beneficial: children can be locked up. We refused to drive him. In addition, he added that there is already enough evidence and that children say to bring the person to justice.

– In the evening, the head invited me to his office remembers Elena. – She denied everything, began to blame me for slandering the man in vain, that it would be worse for me, because my uncle has good relations, he is a former officer and I will not realize nothing anyway. For its part, there was no attempt to understand, to act. At the end of the conversation, she offered to take the request and solve everything inside the kindergarten, amicably.

In the days that followed, the police came to the garden and interviewed the staff. The mothers of the children say that they did not contact them.

– I called the organization "Comprehension," which deals with problems of child abuse "says Victoria. – They listened attentively, said that the examination was necessary, otherwise it was impossible to prove anything. I was convinced that the examination would not harm children. After that, we contacted the investigator and insisted on performing it.

The exam was pbaded by the children on March 30th. The parents, the investigators and the experts attended

– I saw with my own eyes how my son showed what exactly Uncle Kolya was doing. It was not just a game of hands, as little kids do, who explore their bodies. Simulated movement was masturbation. See such movements before my son can not, because he grows up without a father: we live together – Elena remembers.

After examination, I approached the expert to know his opinion: actually "says Victoria. – It was said that everything was exactly as children say it, and I was surprised that the carpenter is still working in kindergarten. The investigator asked not to talk to anyone about the exam because a carpenter's polygraph was badigned in early May, which could affect the results.

On June 23, women received letters with a notice and a resolution refusing to initiate criminal proceedings. This document was dated June 13, although the notification of Victoria and Elena was received on June 22.

– This document does not indicate the testimony of a teacher who said that the carpenter came to this group and treated children with candy. It is not stated that the children were left alone without a caregiver in the group, and with them remained a guardian or a fizruk, on the contrary, it is smothered and denied unanimously by all the workers, although I am I have heard many times about it. But there is a phrase that the carpenter always wore sweets with him, because he was suffering from diabetes – says Elena. – The explanations of the children are not taken into account, despite the exact actions of the carpenter described by them

"The director comes and asks:" Where is the boy? "And I do not know"

The head of the children's garden, in which the conflict erupted, is now on vacation. According to her, the employment relationship between the kindergarten and the carpenter has ended when history has overtaken the kindergarten. On April 2, the man was sent on leave at his expense, on the recommendation of law enforcement agencies, and then on paid work leave, and on May 21 he took the logbook. job. In a personal conversation, she describes the situation in sufficient detail, but points out that she has no right to give official comments without agreement with the department of education. administration of the Moscow region. In turn, management declined to comment on this situation.

One of the teachers of the children's garden asks not to be named or photographed. She tells his version of this story and admits that the children could stay awhile without the supervision of an adult.

– I have been working in kindergarten since January of this year. Strange story … The situation itself – an uncle carpenter feeding children with sweets – seems strange. My child, who is also going to the same group, I told them not to take. And the carpenter made a comment, because before I had questions: where my child suddenly got candy. It has been said that this carpenter is such a kind and sincere person that he treats children. Then she came to work and saw with her own eyes that the children were rushing towards him. This bothered me as an educator, because the kids got out of control and fled to him, then touched on the other side. That's why? He came to the group, gave the children sweets, I made a comment. He asked, I replied: "The parents are against". After that, he stopped wearing sweets. We have two carpenters, and for the most part, I asked them to come see us.

This carpenter caused me strange and incomprehensible emotions. When we arrived at the garden, he was there. Started talking with my child, not knowing who he is and where. That seemed strange to me. Well, why? He seemed somewhat unpleasant to me: like a good man, but the intuition tells me something – I do not know how to explain it. He did not particularly sympathize with me, but I do not know why.

There was such a situation. I explained to children that they should not run after sweets – this is not a reason. In the evening, several parents came to the locker room with children and I asked them to explain that it was not done. Elena tells me, "It does not bother me, I do not see this problem." I replied, "It's your business." After a while, Victoria came with her daughter and asked, "Who is it and why is my child running towards him? Why does he give candies to children? I replied that I had settled this issue and that he was no longer distributing sweets. Victoria said, "She tells me such strange things … I want to talk about this in a conversation in Viber". She wrote, she asked her parents. They did not say anything concrete. And then Elena wrote, "Yes, my child told me that I was in shock." After that, the subject came up, I was summoned by the manager. What did the manager say? Nothing good. She told me not to take out the garbage from the hut.

I realized that the collective is united and that everyone is worried about their place. From the director, I heard that my parents were inadequate and she had constant problems with them. But I have not seen anything wrong – just take care of my children. Maybe a bit high. Nevertheless, I put myself in their place: if my child told me, I would not even understand. And spit so … Who to believe: your child or the uncle of someone else?

Children could be left alone with the carpenter. They go to a circle, to physical education. I have never left them, but other educators … I will not slander and affirm, because I have not seen with my own eyes. But they could, for example, lead to physical education – the head is not, she went to a kind of business. Either she did physical education, and the educator went to work on her own business. In general, children can be left in the hall. For a long time, another question. But it's an opportunity, I admit. I left the group, and the children from the other group were standing in the hallway – there was no guardian. I went down to the first floor, got up and they are always alone. Meanwhile, a lot could happen.

Yelena's son went to cups. The first time that he was with him was difficult, because he had his needs – the boy wanted after the cup to have fun and play in the gym. He was left there after clbad. A? I do not know what happened there, I do not know. But there was such a case: the leader of the physical culture comes to the group and asks, "Where is the boy?" And he's already fled somewhere and hid, that happens to him when someone an offense. They ran and searched – they were found behind an armchair.

The carpenter no longer works in kindergarten, but I heard that he came back to settle down. Here, to us.

"I want to protect my honor and my dignity"

Carpenter – a 66-year-old man, a retired lieutenant-colonel with a Russian pbadport. He accepts a meeting and tells his version.

– I lived for sixteen years in the Czech Republic. L & # 39; army. He retired a long time ago, in the middle of perestroika. I decided and went far abroad and there I did not live in peace. A dozen and a half years ago went to Braslav Lakes to catch fish and got acquainted in one way or another with the next pbadion that traveled from Warsaw to Minsk and back. From this knowledge in 2008 a son is born. It seems that everything is fine in the Czech Republic, but the child is two years old and it is time to start raising him. Especially when times of crisis have come abroad. I moved here in 2010. Everything is fine, there are enough provisions for life. And in 2014, a crisis happened: it is not enough and therefore not enough. And idleness you can not fail. I first decided to get an interpreter job. Has given a dozen announcements, but employers have had fantastic demands, and they have offered meager wages. Sent everything. But do something you need. I went to a nearby store to arrange a loader. I asked, "Do you need porters?" They respond, "What kind of education do you have?" – "Two higher". "Oh, sorry, we do not need smart stevedores." I went to another network. "Chargers are needed?" – "Necessary". "But I have a higher education." "There is nothing to worry about." "But I have another problem: I do not drink." – "Oh, oh, we are sober, and even smart are not necessary." I've gone around … I see an ad hanging in the post: a factor is needed for the summer period. They took me to work, everything is fine. After a few months, everyone was terribly happy. I such person: undertook to do – I do. He walked and walked, but at the same time he was busy with the night watchman's work. And once he's brought the courier to the kindergarten. He spoke with the director, and she said to me, "Since September 1, the worker on the compound, who has been here since the founding of the kindergarten, has left, do you want to come and go. It was about two and a half years ago

I can not judge myself, but there have never been any complaints from leaders or parents. I bow to my predecessors: at least something from the tool and consumables after them in the children's garden remains.I have tried to be responsible for my work In the morning I came, did the work, filled all the applications until the quiet hour, went to lunch to feed the child.It took me 15 minutes to Saturday, Sunday – without asking any questions.We have to stay until midnight – no problem.I never considered a day off. "

This is the first time j & # I have a conflict with my parents. He always said hello. Children are curious in nature, most of them do not see anything at home. And then at least look what this screwdriver looks like. They ask, "Can we give you something, cut it?"

According to the carpenter, the candy story began after a girl in a children's garden had a birthday

– about a year ago and a half ago . A smart girl runs up and says, "And today, it's my birthday!" Well, what are you going to do? And I am a diabetic, well informed people have always advised them to wear sweets. Of course, I treated him in the honor of the holidays. Start the other children: "What about me and me?" Well, I had to give the rest of the candy. Since then, and it was. I saw the legs at the table, and they squeak already: "Let's try!" Of course, let them try to work. Helped – have a candy. My approach is the following: either for everyone, or for anyone.

Exactly the same day, when the teacher made claims, allegedly parents are unhappy that I give candies, I stopped wearing them in my pocket. You see, the teacher, who did not work in the garden for two more weeks, with such pretensions and with such pathos …

… First there There was a preliminary conversation with the girl's grandmother. I was in one of the groups and I talked to the nurse or the teacher. Steal this furious fury. My conversation is ironic, and I tried to soften it, but I saw the foaming corners of my lips and realized that it was useless. He said, "Yes, I heard you." She said, "I work in the justice system, I will sue you." Approximately such a conversation. I immediately went and put the manager in charge. He said, "I guess I've leveled the conflict with this lady." And the next day, they throw me a pool of foam. Makes the headmaster and says, "Mom did not calm down and will file an application with the police." I literally went to the police immediately, but the material was already on the committee of investigation. I wrote a statement demanding that these people be brought for defamation, but they expelled me by checking.

You know, the situation is simple. There has never been a single time when I stayed alone with children: in the gym, in the back room … What is it? Now, everyone in the village should also blame me, because I'm doing all the fishing rod for the kids? I do not know how to explain that …

I did not discuss it with my moms. The investigator urged me very strongly to limit my access to the kindergarten. At first, they were sent on leave at their expense and then fired. I did not even see one of these mothers. There was a desire to come to the parents' meeting, but I was strongly advised not to do so.

Four months I am in freestyle. Why should my child feel it, I can not understand. Once I appeared in the kindergarten after my dismissal: say that I am justified in front of the state organs. But one of the mothers flew to complain to the education department: why does a pedophile roam the territory of a kindergarten? And you say, settle down … I went to another garden and I tried to install it, but I realized that the rumor has already gone to every neighborhood. Чего дергаться … Пока мамаши делают телодвижения, я не могу ничего предполагать.

Я гражданин России. Е л л л…………………………………………………… 1965Я я [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

За свои действия нужно отвечать.

"Решение об отказе возбуждении уголовного дела отменено. Проверка возобновлена ​​"

В середине июня мамы, написавшие заявление, получили постановление об отказе в возбуждении уголовного дела из Следственного комитета. Приведем некоторые цитаты из документа.

"Согласно заключению эксперта, мужчина каким-либо психическим расстройством, в том числе расстройством полового предпочтения (педофилией), не страдает."

"В результате проведенного психофизиологического исследования прийти к однозначным выводам о наличии или отсутствии у мужчины психофизиологических признаков поведения, направленного на сокрытие информированности о проверяемых обстоятельствах, не представляется возможным. "

" Анализируя материалы проведенной проверки в их совок пности, принимая во внимание результаты проведенной в отношении мужчины амбулаторной комплексной судебной психолого-сексолого-психофизиолого-психиатрической экспертизы, следствие приходит к выводу, что достоверно определить, имело ли место в действительности исследуемое событие – совершение развратных действий в отношении малолетних – не представляется возможным . "

" Вместе с тем следствие принимает во внимание пояснения малолетних, данные ими в комнате опроса отдела психолого-физиологических исследований главного управлен я судебно-психиатрических экспертиз. Однако учитывая возраст указанных детей, а также отсутствие возможности выяснения у них более детальных обстоятельств события, о котором они рассказали, проверить достоверность их пояснений иными способами, предусмотренными законом, не представляется возможным, ввиду чего нельзя положить их в основу обвинения мужчины в части совершения развратных . действий в отношении указанных детей "

Однако к моменту выхода этого материала история получила новый поворот

-. Московским (г. Минска) районным отделом Следственного комитета прод лжается проверка по заявлениям двух женщин о развратных действиях в отношении их детей со стороны рабочего яслей-сада in 2017 году. Ранее принятое решение об отказе в возбуждении уголовного дела отменено УСК по Минску для проведения дополнительных проверочных мероприятий – рассказала Onliner.by официальный представитель УСК по Минску Марина Дранькова

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