Wyeps owners sued the manufacturer because of nicotine addiction


Several Americans have filed lawsuits against Juul Labs, an American company, accusing the company of publishing nicotine-releasing narcotic drugs. One of the complainants is a worried mother, whose son, as early as the age of 15, has used an electronic steam generator and can no longer get by without it. "He can not give up a wipe even in the face of foreclosure at school," says the American .

Those who sue refer to one of the components of the liquids for wake, the so-called nicotine saline. It can be found in regular cigarettes, and it is thought that this form of nicotine is more effectively absorbed by the body. Complainants believe that there is too much of this component in Juul products

. The same opinion is shared by the researchers who performed a comparative badysis of liquids for the wakes of different manufacturers. In addition, Juul's patent on liquid for electronic steam generators says the same thing.

Experts are advised not to interpret raw data, as many parameters must be taken into account for the completeness of the image. in advertising. The company, in turn, points out: their products are aimed at adults who would like to give up conventional cigarettes.

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