Xiaomi in 2019 will conquer the US market


The young Chinese tiger will set foot on the original territory of the iPhone in 2019. It was in a comment for Reuters, said Vice President Xiaomi Wang Xiang. According to him, the US market is very attractive, and so Xiaomi is starting to develop compatible with the US smart phone networks.

There are no specific agreements with local operators and retail networks, but the Chinese manufacturer intends to officially sell their gadgets. in the USA.

However, the US government has recently been quite hostile to Chinese companies. For example, ZTE's activities in the United States were almost completely blocked. The company could not even repair the urinal in any of its local offices, because US companies do not have the right to exchange or provide services with it. Admittedly, the other day exactly for a month the sanctions were weakened, so that the company could keep its offices and equipment in the United States in working order.

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