"You are the thirtieth, my daughter." The last hours of admission to the University of Medicine, where they go with the best scores


July 17 – the last day that candidates for free education can apply at the university. "The last three hours will decide everything.The lottery begins," say the parents, who have come today to support their children.TUT.BY visited the State Medical University of Belarus for know how are the last hours of admission to the university, where in recent years have been the highest rated candidates.Last year, the pharmaceutical faculty was to score 376 points out of 400, for the dentistry – 375, for the faculty – 360.

  Photo: Andrei Domeyko, TUT.BY

"This year, even with 361 points, you can not be sure that you will enter the faculty of medicine" [19659004] 14.00. (19659005) – You are still the 30th, daughter, – the mother of one of the applicants transmits over the phone.

At 3:00 pm the admissions committee will summarize the final result for the last time : how many participants and with which points were submitted to various facu After that there will be a moment of silence. In theory. In practice – three hours of doubt and throwing. Who will persist until the end or guess, will become a student of a budget form of education. Do not worry, probably only Victoria Terletskaya, who scored 398 points and moved to the pharmaceutical faculty.

Valentina's daughter also goes to the pharmacy, she has 363 points. While my mother is studying the disposition on points, my daughter writes an application for admission

– We waited until the last one. We were served on the last day: we had to take the direction of the target. Long looked at the points. Finally, they realized that without direction, we would not do it.

Although the number of "target groups" is also problematic, says Valentina.

– If the candidates with about are eliminated, that remains until the last moment in reserve, not the fact that we are going to pbad. Maybe you'll have to pay for one.

– Do you want to pay?

– And what to do? The child wants to learn, let him learn. It would have been easier in Vitebsk, but they did not want to go there.

Dasha and Nastya are clbadmates. They hope that they will be clbadmates. Girls have 357 and 361 points

– Many

– This year with such points, you can not be sure that you will enter the faculty of medicine.

 Photo: Andrey Domeyko, TUT.BY

With the submission of documents the participants were drawn to the end: they looked at this points for others. [1 9459008] do not want to enter the treatment department, they wait for the latest updates at 15:00 and then they will decide.

– Maybe we will start it in pediatrics. she wanted to pick up the documents "

Anna and Alexander came with her daughter Sasha of Mozyr To support the child, during the inaugural campaign, they took a vacation and rented an apartment in Minsk

How many Sasha have scored points, parents would not like to say: "Do not scare chance." On July 15, they submitted documents to the dental department.

– Until now, the points you Let's get in. Although Sunday Mother lost her temper, she rushed to pick up the documents and file for "Medical Case", but the Dean advised to wait because we have good points

 Photo: Andrey Domeyko, TUT.BY "data-x-height =" 883 "data-x-src =" https://img.tyt.by/n/obshchestvo/0f/c/ bsmu_20180717_dom_tutby_phsl -_. jpg_7.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 529 "data-y-src =" https://img.tyt.by/720x720s/n/obshchestvo/0f / c / bsmu_20180717_dom_tutby_ phsl -_. jpg_7.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 530 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https://img.tyt.by/720x720s/n /obshchestvo/0f/c/bsmu_20180717_dom_tutby_phsl-_.jpg_7 .jpg "title =" Photo: Andrey Domeyko, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/> </p>
<p>  In four minutes, the provisional results will be last announced. and often look on the phone: afraid to miss this moment </p>
<p>  – The last day I would like to see more frequent data updates at least every half hour to monitor the situation, or be able to apply at several universities …. And so, if, say, a child does not go to Minsk, it is impossible to reach Grodno or Gomel in a few hours. </p>
<p>  15.09. The parents around the stands: there is already new information. Immediately at the door of the admissions committee there is a queue of those who decide to make the castle and do the same thing for free. In the room, it's noisy, stuffy and nervous. </p>
<p>  – It was necessary to think about these options. 265 – this is not enough! And now call me and gag, "a man in a striped T-shirt yells into the phone. "You could ask a forest engineer for chemistry." </p>
<p>  In the waiting line, we notice Darya who, still an hour and a half ago, was going to the medical school with 361 points </p>
<p>  – I will still relearn, – says the girl . – On "Medicine" will now spread from "Pharmacy", and we will fly with our best scores. </p>
<p>  <img alt=

– In Grodno, we would have been easily treated medically, but here there is a doubt.

They presented documents only on the last day: they waited until the end. ] – Have you thought of Grodno?

– And we'll have time to get there in two hours? – Elena hopes with hope in her voice

Now during these two hours they must decide: to transfer documents to pediatrics or to go to a paid for faculty

– Now, we will call our father and finally decide.

 Photography: Andrey Domeyko, TUT.BY [19659005] Te Rez Josefovna does not care about his son Edward, at least he does not show it at all. "Edward submitted documents to the faculty of medicine and had no intention of throwing them anywhere.

" We have a big score. In general, me and my husband are doctors, that is why my son has enough motivation to enter

To support the son, parents have specially taken a vacation

– In these moments, a person does not should not be alone, – says Teresa Iosifovna. – We submitted documents today, because the trend has just begun, who and where will happen. According to data from last year, we enter all medical universities, with the exception of Minsk. Even if we have to pay one, we decided that staying here would be more profitable for the family budget, since we are citizens of Minsk.

 Photo: Andrey Domeyko, TUT.BY

At 3:30 pm participants and parents are invited to the audience to meet the rector of the university. In a conversation with reporters, parents asked: Why does the admissions committee not badign the specific points with which candidates are posted, but only indicate how many people in the range of 351 to 360? points, for example However, when they have the opportunity to ask this question to rector Anatoly Sikorsky, parents ask questions about the other: is the hostel provided to freshmen and students? what percentage of students from the preparatory department do they enter the university? Obschil that the university is able to fully meet non-resident student hostel.

A minute before the dream

Meanwhile, at the door of the office environment admissions is becoming more intense. When submitting documents, only participants may be present. Alexey Plaksa tells why – It is important that the participants weigh themselves and think about their decision

Ten parents will listen

– Tomorrow at 12 o'clock we will post a new message. data: how many participants and with which points were submitted to this or that faculty. And on July 19 at noon, we will post the lists of recommended candidates to register at the State Medical University of Belarus.

 Photo: Andrey Domeyko, TUT.BY

To anticipate and know in advance the approximate scores of candidates, the parents of "A mother goes down the hall and asks:" Do you go to dentistry? "If he hears yes, he begins to understand who has a score.

– In our range, seven" superfluous "people up to now, – says

others stand At the exit and question all those who leave the door of the admissions committee: "What faculty? How many points?" Then, probably, they make forecasts and calculate the situation.

At the last minute, that is to say at 5:59 pm, a guy flies into the admissions office. Leaves with a misplaced smile on her face. He asks not to mention his name because he is not sure that his decision will please his parents.

– I have always dreamed of going to the faculty of medicine. And parents say, "Go to the pharmacy, you have a good score!" Yes, well, but I do not want to work in a pharmacy. If at 17 you do not dream and try, then what will happen next?

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