"You can eat unwashed". How the owners of "Conte Spa" have invested a million in the eco-farm and grow strawberries without chemicals


Valentin Baiko is a top 15 business man who was swept away eight years ago in a healthy lifestyle, "TUT.BY" showed an organic farm founded by the founders of "Conte Spa "

  Photo: Ekaterina Gordeeva, TUT.BY =
Valentin Baiko is one of the top 15 Belarusian businessmen according to the version of" The Daily Journal "

" Three years worked in fields without chemistry "

A car chain moves away from the walls of the church in 1615 in Bolshaya Berestovitsa with oats.

– We treated these fields without chemicals for three years, and in June 2018, we certified our farm according to organic production standards, which are equivalent to EU regulations. According to Valentin Baiko, there are 13 types of our products in accordance with this regulation.

Two years ago, one of the most successful businessmen in Belarus raised the theme of organic farming in the Pan-Belarussian People's Assembly. for organic products that respect the environment, the future. This is not just the health of the nation, but also a separate branch of the economy with huge export potential. More and more people around the world are choosing products without chemistry because they think about what they eat, "he says.

  Photo: Ekaterina Gordeeva, TUT.BY
Project Manager Vitaliy Belooky, businessman Valentin Baiko and director of the company Vladimir Dunich

In June 2016 the founders of the brothers "Conte Spa" Valentin and Dmitry Baiko registered their farm "Healthy Country" 280 hectares of land for producers of tights and linen went from the local farmer Vladimir Dunich.However, he stayed on the farm – he started organic farming at 70

"The inspectors check if the birds are in our nests"

This 280 hectares is the only zone of this size in Belarus, on European eco-norms … By the way, no one gives us the documents for organic products in our country.The farm is certified by the company Ukrainian "Organic Standard", which cooperates with the Swiss Institute of Organic Agriculture FIBL.

  Photo: "Healthy Country" "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data-x-src =" https://img.tyt.by/n/obshchestvo/00/10/ ferma_konte_spa.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" https: // img.tyt.by/720x720s/n/obshchestvo/00/10/ferma_konte_spa .jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "zoom-data =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https: //img.tyt.by/720x720s/n/obshchestvo/00/ 10 / ferma_konte_spa.jpg "title =" Photo: "Healthy Country" "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Products can only be labeled with europel after certification by organic standards. </figcaption></figure>
<p>  Once a year, experts check everything in the farm – harvest, soil, warehouses. Even seedlings can not be bought without agreement. The samples of the cultivated products are sent to the laboratory in Germany "Eurofins", where they are checked for more than 600 substances – pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc. Only their absence gives right to the label "Eurolist" – a badge confirming that the products meet European standards and it can be sold abroad as organic. </p>
<p>  <img alt=

– The inspectors check if there are any signs of synthetic drugs, see if there are any useful insects on the ground, if the birds are flying over the plants, s & nbsp; There are nests in our shrubs, and by the way, a small amount of weeds is also an indication that the crop is grown without chemistry, "says the project leader, an organic farmer Vitaliy Belooik .

Since organic chemicals can not be treated with pesticides and experts are looking for other ways to weed, diseases and pests. The farm bought farm equipment to work on the technologies of organic agriculture, we use special cultivators for weeding, the land between the rows is mulched with straw

 Photo: Ekaterina Gordeeva , TUT.BY

The experience of technology depends on terrain, climate, soil, culture. We compile contamination maps, we realize the history of the fields, we badyze the cellular sap of the plants. For three years we did not plow the land with plows, we fertilize with legume remnants, "says Vitaly. These lands become the balance of the ecosystem. For example, it takes time to pick ladybugs, lacewing – insects that fight against parasites. We make the soil alive, we create conditions for the reproduction of worms and micro-organisms. When in spring a lot of earthworms were found under the raspberry seedlings – they were very happy! By the way, the French also counted the worms on the ground because it is an indicator of "living soil"

"All we see next, the land without chemicals"

The household is sure: people willing to buy organic matter

– People who love sports, HLS, do not drink – these are our potential customers, "says Valentin Baiko and shows organic fields. – Here we have gooseberry, there will be a cherry orchard, here buckwheat, rye.

  Photo: Ekaterina Gordeeva, TUT.BY "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data-x-src =" https://img.tyt.by/n/obshchestvo/06/8 /conte_baiko_organic_hoziaystvo_20180711_gord_tutby_phsl_--8962.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" https: //img.tyt.by/720x720s/n/obshchestvo/06 /8/conte_baiko_organic_hoziaystvo_20180711_gord_tutby_phsl_--8962.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "zoom-data =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https://img.tyt.by/720x720s /n/obshchestvo/06/8/conte_baiko_organic_hoziaystvo_20180711_gord_tutby_phsl_--8962.jpg "title =" Photo: Ekaterina Gordeeva, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> On the left is the field of the collective farm, right – biological. </figcaption></figure>
<p>  In front of the farm field is the field of the collective wheat farm. From the organic it is separated by a road and a clover band two meters wide. </p>
<p>  – And everything we see further is already a land without chemicals. Agree, the view is beautiful </p>
<p>  Next year there will be a garden on the rye square, just below – a honeysuckle plantation on 25 hectares </p>
<p>  – very useful bay, one believes that it rejuvenates the body, is needed both in the fresh market and in the market treatment. – Vitaly explains. – In Europe, the plantations of this crop are laid now. We always look at it, badyze the market and predict the demand. It was planned to plant blueberries or honeysuckle, and choose honeysuckle. </p>
<p>  <img alt=

This year "healthy country" will first sell organic cereals – rye grown 70 hectares, buckwheat and l & # Oats – n The expected average yield of rye grain is 40 tonnes per hectare and buckwheat is 20 tonnes per hectare

Grechku, including the green, agreed to trade under its brand name at l. Skidelagroprodukt company – the treatment is also certified according to organic standards

But the organic oats can not be transformed by flakes in Belarus – a volume too small

"An organic berry can be eaten without being washed "

The berry farm is selling for the second year. This year, the "healthy country" has agreed with Minsk's commercial networks, but the volumes are not the same.

– Price? We are looking at the request. We depend on the market. If there are only one hundred kilograms of berries, we will sell at any price. – explained on the farm.

Now a kilogram of late organic strawberries in Grodno costs 5.2 rubles. The second year, smaller – 3.5 rubles

– Until now, we are gaining confidence. Over time, we will organize self-badembly so that people can see how we grow organic products, "says Vitaly

 Ekaterina Gordeeva, TUT.BY" border = "0" data-x -height = "800" data-x -src = "https://img.tyt.by/n/obshchestvo/0d/e/conte_baiko_organic_hoziaystvo_20180711_gord_tutby_phsl_--9033.jpg" data-x-width = "1200" data-y -height = "480" data-y -src = "https://img.tyt.by/720x720s/n/obshchestvo/0d/e/conte_baiko_organic_hoziaystvo_20180711_gord_tutby_phsl_--9033.jpg" data-y-width = "720" data -zoom = "1" height = "480" hspace = "0" src = "https://img.tyt.by/720x720s/n/obshchestvo/0d/e/conte_baiko_organic_hoziaystvo_20180711_gord_tutby_phsl_--9033.jpg" title = "Ekaterina Gordeeva, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/> </p>
<p>  Today, the harvest on a strawberry plantation of 25 hectares is harvested by a seasonal slave They pay 18 rubles a day, they say, it's a bit more than those other farmers. </p>
<p>  The smell of fresh strawberries is already felt on the ground.Valentine Baiko collects and eats berries directly from the garden – they do not touch the soil, grow on agrovolokne. </p>
<p>  – Organic berry can be eaten unwashed, then it forms good microflora in the intestines, – the businessman is safe. </p>
<p>  The berries are big, fragrant, sweet – really delicious. [Photo:EkaterinaGordeevaTUTBY"border="0"data-x-height="800"data-x-src="https://imgtytby/n/obshchestvo/10/7/conte_baiko_organic_hoziaystvo_20180711_gord_tutby_phsl_–9009jpg"data-xwidth="1200"data-y-height="480"data-y-src="https://imgtytby/720x720s/n/obshchestvo/10/7/conte_baiko_organic_hoziaystvo_20180711_gord_tutby_phsl_–9009jpg"data-y-width="720"zoomdata="1"height="480"hspace="0"src="https://imgtytby/720x720s/n/obshchestvo/10/7/conte_baiko_organic_hoziaystvo_20180711_gord_tutby_phsl_–9009jpg"title="photo:EkaterinaGordeevaTUTBY"vspace="0"width="720"/></p>
<p>  Instead of chemistry with strawberry pests, they struggle with the dyes of herbs, garlic, wormwood, l & # 39; </p>
<p>  – This year, there are no parasites, but we are experimenting, we are looking for biological plan preparations, – adds the project manager </p>
<p>  – <strong> N & # 39; do not immediately get the result – it takes years s experiences. It is important for the farmer to live this business, love it and believe it. But if we look at the economy as a business, we want everything to be paid for the wages to be earned </p>
<h2>  "What a joy to feed people, knowing that you do not poison them" </h2>
<p>  – [19459004Isthisbusinessorpbadionforhealth?</strong> – Valentina Baiko interests us. </p>
<p>  – Although it is a loss. The barrier in a million dollars we have already overcome. But I believe that next year we will achieve profitability. We have already watered, we know how to fertilize … I have seen successful organic farms in Europe and I am deeply convinced that this is also feasible in Belarus. There, farmers learned how to make money on organic matter. And all those to whom I asked, "If you had the choice, go to chemistry or organic chemistry?", They answered me with one voice: "Of course, it's organic. " The chief engineer of the agricultural enterprise "Galex Agro" in Ukraine, who occupies organic farming on 8.5 thousand hectares, said to me: "You do not understand the happiness of feeding people, knowing that you do not poison them. It's another philosophy in everything. It's the health of people. Organic is not only that the taste of the other, not only does not contain nitrite nitrite and all the rest, so it also contains more minerals and trace elements we need . </p>
<p>  <img alt=

– Yourself Now A few years ago, they said you were going to move to the village

– Yes, I dream of living in the village, my soul is there … And the grocery store … Oil d & rsquo; Olive – organic, pumpkin oil – organic

Vegetables, green – all yours I do not eat meat, milk is very rare.I buy organic buckwheat – but this year we will have our own organic grain – which will also be his. Cherry will be, pears-apples – everything is there.

Colleagues-Business Man managed to attract this subject? You can not feed everyone with organic.

– Many after the All-Belarusian congregation said that they never thought about it. If at least one person thinks about it is already good. Sting once in an interview with Pozner said: I've always been a handsome young sportsman, and here in life, I've met yoga, and realized that I do not know anything and I do not know not. The yogi lived at home for a year, he changed his lifestyle, the food. And here are his words: he was 10 years younger. I believe that HLS and yoga are the most important topics that should be in school. They teach what to do to feel better, be healthy and happy, and that is the most important thing.

 Photo: Ekaterina Gordeeva, TUT.BY

– Have you been able to look younger for 10 years?

– 8 years old I can compare, as it was before and as it is now. I do not want a return.

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