Belgian underwent faecal transplant to keep him from getting drunk on alcohol brewed in his gut – RT World News


A 47-year-old Belgian continued to get drunk randomly for two months, although he did not drink a drop of alcohol. The guilty? A homemade beer that fermented in its own stomach.

After a low-carbohydrate diet and prescribed antifungal drugs did nothing, the astonished doctors at Ghent University Hospital quickly got to the bottom of the matter: the man was, in fact, drunk. alcohol produced in its own gut due to disease. known as auto-brewing syndrome (ABS).

In ABS, gut microbes turn carbohydrates into ethanol, so the unnamed man was literally high on his own supply, with a high blood alcohol level and powerful dragon’s breath – which ultimately cost him his driver’s license during a random breath test.

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Doctors opted for a fecal transplant to try and stop the man’s puzzled flexion. Fecal transplants are a relatively new addition to the medical canon of treatment, in which the donor’s stool is directly inserted into the colon or delivered through a nasal tube, which then travels down the patient’s throat and into their gastrointestinal tract.

In some cases, medical staff will freeze a fecal sample into a pill and the patient will swallow it.

Regardless of how the man received the fecal transplant, courtesy of his 22-year-old daughter, it had an immediate and lasting effect, with no symptoms reported at his 34-month follow-up appointment, thus putting end to his terrifying ex. -beer-ience.

The brewery syndrome is more common in people with diabetes, obesity, or conditions such as Crohn’s disease. The so-called “ good bacteria ” in the gut are believed to be responsible for the disease, but we still don’t fully understand its root causes.

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“Fecal transplants should be tried in the future in patients with ABS [auto brewery syndrome]. Setting up a trial would be the ideal scenario, but given the rarity of the syndrome, this type of trial in humans will not be possible ”. said Dr Danny De Looze, co-author of the patient case study.

While the extremely rare disease is probably not tequil-ya, it can cause major problems in everyday life, including liver failure.

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