47 children intoxicated in scout camps this summer: Afsca recalls the rules of prudence


Scout camps started about ten days ago and the federal agency for the safety of the food chain has already intervened in three of them because 47 children suffer from intoxication.

The first intervention took place in the Namur region. Eight children had to be hospitalized after vomiting and diarrhea.

The second took place in Luxembourg. Thirty Scouts also suffered from vomiting. Poor storing of certain foods could be the cause of these stomachaches.

The third case reported to Afsca concerns a camp in Limburg. Nine children have been victims of food poisoning after eating pancakes

The heat of recent days is not unrelated to these intoxications. Water is also one of the most common causes. Not necessarily the one we drink to get dehydrated but rather the rivers when swimming.

The Afsca recalls the rules of caution

The Afsca recommends to pay attention to 'water. Never leave it in the sun to prevent the growth of bacteria. Food should be kept high and obviously respect the cold chain. With rising temperatures in recent weeks, vigilance must be even higher.

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