00h26 – Newcastle disease: an eleventh case identified in a poultry dealer in Haaltert


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The Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (Afsca) has identified an eleventh case of Newcastle disease in poultry from a poultry dealer in the municipality of Haaltert (East Flanders) , she announces Wednesday night. This contamination is added to the other 10 identified in private homes since the end of April. A radius of 500m was defined around the outbreak of Haaltert, as a protection zone of 3km and another 10km of restriction. These measures apply for at least 21 days. Earlier this week, new measures had been taken for all individuals holding poultry or ornamental birds in Belgium. They followed the results of the investigation of cases of virus contamination at the level of individuals, hobbyists. They remain applicable, says the Afsca. Newcastle disease virus is highly contagious and can contaminate all species of poultry and birds. In case of infection by a very aggressive strain, nervous symptoms (including that of torticollis) and high mortality occur, details the Agency. The man is not sensitive to this disease and the consumption of eggs or poultry meat therefore carries no risk, she badures it still. Afsca also emphasizes that vaccination is the only valid preventive measure against the disease. (Belga)

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