Why does measles strike mainly New Aquitaine?


Measles continues to claim victims in France. A 17-year-old girl has died of "neurological complications" related to this disease at the CHU de Bordeaux, announced Friday the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of New Aquitaine. This is the third death due to measles since the resurgence of measles in November 2017 and the second in this region. New Aquitaine is home to more than four out of ten cases of measles confirmed in France since the end of 2017. An overrepresentation mainly due to the lower rate of vaccination in the south-west departments.

Measles mainly affects the southwest Before this third death, measles had already killed in February, in Poitiers, a 32-year-old mother who had never been vaccinated and who, according to the newspaper New Republic, had contracted measles while driving her father. to the hospital. In total, since November 6, 2017, 1,096 cases of measles have been confirmed in the region (2,567 in France in total). One in four cases required hospitalization, twelve patients were transferred to intensive care and two died.

 Measles Map July 2018

To explain these alarming figures, the ARS emphasizes the low vaccination rate. "Nearly 90% of cases were not or insufficiently vaccinated (two doses needed to ensure immunity)," she says. The insufficiency of vaccination coverage in France has favored this extremely contagious disease (an infected person can contaminate up to 20 people). According to Public Health France, the vaccination rate against measles ranges from 62% to 88% depending on the departments. And New Aquitaine traditionally pbades for the bad student in this area.

Low vaccination rate. The map of France published by Public Health in 2017 (with data from 2015), clearly shows that the south-west of France is one of the least vaccinated regions. Seven of the twelve departments of New Aquitaine had a vaccination rate (two doses) between 65% and 75%, where a large majority of French departments have a rate between 75 and 85%.

 Measles vaccine card [19659004Thesharpincreaseinthenumberofcasesinearly2018promptedhealthauthoritiestoincreasevaccinationcampaignsparticularlyinthesouth-westtostemthespreadofmeaslesAgeneralalertthathasbornefruitsince"NewAquitaineisnolongerintheepidemicphase"nowindicatestheARSThenumberofcasesdetectedinFrancehasalmostbeendividedbytenbetweenMarchandJuneThegoalofthehealthauthoritiesistoachieveasrecommendedbytheWorldHealthOrganization95%ofvaccinationamongpeopleatriskThemeaslesvaccineisoneofelevenmandatoryvaccinesforchildrenbornafterJanuary12018</p>
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