Affetto, the robot kid who's cold in the back [VIDÉO]



Artificial intelligences are developing at a crazy speed. Full of promise, they can also scare us. The proof with Affetto, the robot child not so cute.

Affetto is the small name of the android that the Osaka University has been working on since 2011. A veritable technological tour de force, it fascinates (and makes bristles grow) thanks to the realism of its facial animations. Joy, sadness, anger, pouting disgust and other grin … the palette of his emotions is indeed bluffing. The proof in pictures :

Imitation (almost) perfect

For 7 years, the Japanese team has been redoubling its efforts to make the boy as humane as possible. " Our latest findings will allow us to more effectively control facial movements to introduce more contrasting expressions, such as smiling or frowning, " she explained recently, reports Clubic. To achieve this result, the researchers badyzed in detail not less than 116 areas of our face, from the nose to the mouth through the eyes and even the tongue that is particularly well reproduced. Next step ? Give Affetto an equally realistic body.

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Recently, it is a Chinese JT presented entirely by an artificial intelligence which allowed to reveal all the potential of these technologies. And some nightmares …

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