Important police deployment this Tuesday afternoon in the district of Namur station for a control of drug trafficking


By G. P.

Namur Police Service, Federal Police, Customs and Handlers. Important means were deployed this Tuesday afternoon in the district of the station, rue Godefroid in Namur.

A vast security operation of the public highway was carried out Tuesday in the city center of Namur, indicates the local police. It targeted groups of people who were the subject of regular grievances, the fight against the sale and consumption of narcotics and other incivilities.

No less than 98 people were checked. The operation resulted in 7 arrests, 13 administrative arrests and 27 administrative sanctions.

In addition to groups of problematic people and narcotics, the police paid particular attention to the consumption of alcohol on public roads, the abandonment of waste or the inconvenient parking.

All of the operational services of the Namur Capital Police participated in the action. In total, 70 police officers were mobilized with the support of the Federal Police, the Federal Public Finance Service (Customs) and the Namur Prosecutor's Office.

The police say that other more discreet actions will be organized regularly in the city center and periphery.

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