Georges-Louis Bouchez: "Emmanuelle Praet was fired by the police of the unique thought of left"


The private channel RTL has decided to put an end to its collaboration with columnist Emmanuelle Praet.

RTL has decided to end its collaboration with columnist Emmanuelle Praet, announces the private channel on Tuesday night.

During an interview between the channel and the polemist, "
the management of RTL has told Emmanuelle Praet that last Sunday, she had left the role that should be hers and had thus departed from one of the fundamental principles of the show: the opinions expressed by the chroniclers should feed the debate ideas, in no way influence the behavior of the public by inviting them, for example, to reconsider their support for certain parties.
", Reads the statement.

► The video of the controversial pbadage

The Montois Georges-Louis Bouchez was in the slot during the suspension of Emmanuelle Praet. This Tuesday night, the leader MR de Mons reacts again: "
Emmanuelle Praet has officially been fired by the police of the French-speaking left thinking. I recall that another columnist of the show had once said to him "defend your Nazi friends! Without any action on the part of the chain

A pluralistic problem

Brussels MR deputy Alain Destexhe also reacted on social networks. "
RTL turns Emmanuelle Praet. In this program, moreover of quality and – it must be stressed – one of the only ones where the debate is still possible, there were already three rather left columnists (of which officially an ex-PS and an ex-Cdh, the two always inclined to hit the federal government) and a rather right-wing (but never part of the MR that I know). It was already unbalanced. There is REALLY a problem of pluralism, censorship and freedom of expression in the Socialist Republic of Wallonia and Brussels. And this is just one of many examples
He writes.

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