Obesity: the food giants targeted by an investigation


Lobbying for more profit, at the cost of the health of millions of people.

TThree years of investigation establish how agribusiness multinationals manipulate governments and opinion to get more profit. At the cost of the health of tens of millions of people.

In a robust badysis of about sixty pages very dense and ultra-documented, 43 experts launch a pavement in the pool of "Big Food", designating large multinational agribusiness. Who, with profit as the sole objective, plunder the Earth by feeding half of the planet, leaving almost three billion people malnourished or starving. In sum, this report establishes the global interaction of obesity, undernutrition and climate change.

The fear of the worst is that strong opposition from commercial interests, a lack of political leadership, and a lack of social demand for change prevent action on global syndication, with rising rates of obesity and greenhouse and stagnant rates of undernutrition.

All the explanations, the details of the investigation and the editorial of Frédéric Soumois in Le Soir +

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