"Normally, we see only about ten cases of chickenpox in the year.There I already had three cases in June and five in July", notes the Dr. Jean-Claude Houmaidan, general practitioner in Chambéry.
And even with this heat wave, you do not have to swim in lakes or pools. "Chickenpox is very contagious fifteen days before the appearance of pimples but also during the eruption of pimples ", the doctor insists on the good gestures to have during the period of illness since water prevents healing of pimples, "If your child has chickenpox, you can give him a damp cloth but do not give him a bath, it may make chickenpox worse."
Cantal, Puy-de-Dôme and Haute-Loire are particularly affected by cases of chickenpox according to the last weekly newsletter of the Sentinel Network.
There is a varicella vaccine for adults but "It is not reimbursed by Social Security until age 65", insists Dr. Houmaidan, "for others, it is expensive". Count on average fifty euros. And if you did not have it when you were a kid, "Varicella in adults is a bit more serious, there can be complications and eviction is more difficult."
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