A pupil of the Athenaeum Da Vinci in Anderlecht shows off a pistol in the corridors of the school


The incident dates back to last Tuesday at the Royal Athenaeum Da Vinci in Anderlecht. Alerted by discussions among students in the corridors, a teacher saw one of them manipulate a weapon. The student, a 20-year-old already known to police was arrested.

Last Tuesday, a student of the Royal Athenaeum Da Vinci was caught showing a gun in the compound of the establishment, report our colleagues RTL.

" I can you confirm that the police were called to a school in Anderlecht for a student who allegedly exhibited a weapon
Explained Denis Goeman, deputy prosecutor of the King of Brussels. "
The police obviously intervened. They were able to arrest a suspect, a young man aged 20. And they could also find the weapon he had exhibited: it is an alarm gun, which is similar to a 9mm Beretta


No threat would have been uttered, however. These facts are nevertheless serious be punishable by 5 years of imprisonment. "
We have to draw attention to the fact that even if it is to show, to exhibit, or by some pride to show that we are in possession of that, well it is totally wrong and the consequences can be very serious, especially at the penal level
Added Denis Goeman.

The young suspect was apprehended. He is known for violent robbery. He will be summoned to appear shortly in court. The student was removed from school until the next clbad council.

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