A woman loses 6 toenails after a fish pedicure


Do you know fish pedicures? No ? Well it's a technique that consists of being smooth feet and naturally by fish! How's it going ? Just put your feet in a pool filled with delicious fish (the Garra Rufa or fish doctor, ndrl) and let them act. Renowned for treating skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis, Garra Rufa gets rid of your dead skin in just thirty minutes. A beautician then takes over for the finishes and your feet become soft and smooth as the "first" day!

 Fish pedicure
CC0 Public Domain / Pixabay

Already questioned many times, and even particularly disgusted by dermatologists, the fish pedicure is the subject of a bad buzz in early summer 2018.

Why? Well, because an american woman lost six nails of her feet a few months after having tested this method very unconventional.

According to the specialized journal JAMA Dermatology, which echoed her misadventure, the patient would have in fact developed an onychomadesis, a pathology of the nail characterized by the spontaneous fall of this one (source Vulgaris medical)

And the cause of this onychomadesis could be the consequence of the repeated bites of the dish of the nail by fish.

In France, the health authorities have already warned against this practice evoking "a potential risk of transmission of pathogens through water or fish"

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