after a fish pedicure, a woman loses six of her toenails


A young American woman lost six of her toenails after experimenting with a "fish pedicure", reports a study published in JAMA Dermatology, a scientific journal specializing in dermatology.

This pedicure proves to be an aesthetic and well-being treatment popularized in Asia and the Middle East in which the feet are immersed in a tub of water at a temperature of 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, filled with small fish called Garra rufa or "fish doctors."

Omnivorous, they will eat human skin when the number of plants they feed on is insufficient and rid the feet of any dead skin.

Shari Lipner, co New York author of the study that treated the patient, explains the origin of the infection:

"It is likely that the direct trauma is caused by the fish that bites several times the dish of the nail and I will be surprised to find a single dermatologist who recommends a pedicure with Garra rufa. "

A practice still little regulated

In 2013, the National Agency of Sanitary Security (ANSES) reported cases of bacterial infections transmitted by establishments offering "fish pedicures" ', which also escaped the health regulations.

It highlighted in particular the fact that some customers constitute a more susceptible population to infections: diabetics, immunocompromised persons ( under treatment or illness) or with skin lesions on the feet.

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